How many important of learning English language
English now stands as a global language due to its worldwide apple and importance. But it is matters of great regret that we are avoiding English on the plea that if we learn this language the importance of our mother tongue will be lowered. Undoubtedly it is odd argument. Learning a rich language does not necessarily mean undermining our own language. We have no a good knowledge of English language we will backdate all of the sectors. You have to a good knowledge you can competition another countries of students. For English medium students get advantage to English language. They all time learn English for this cause they express their mention with another. In this cause O-level and A-level students are easily match another countries. But another student is to need to some long time to adjust foreign country.
You can expert in English language with exercise every day. There are some institutions establish across the country. They training to the students for skilled in English language. To study in abroad you have to a good score in TOFEL or IELTS. This exam is justified to capability of English language. For study in American university you have to need SAT, and GMAT score. To good result you have to good knowledge in English. You have a good skilled in English its can help get scholarship. British council and American center can play a remarkable contribute is to learning English. They teach modern and Standard English language. They have different course for different ages people.
These courses are available in British council such as IELTS preparation course, general English course, business English course, and foundation English course.
BBC janala can vital role to spread and to teach English language and its importance.
India Pakistan and another country have made much progress in the field of science and technology and literature by learning English as a second but important. But we are lagging behind in this race with our reluctance to learn this language. International sector we have exchange our opinion and views. To work and study in any country this language can play a vital role to you life, it can easy in your life in abroad.
The information of CAT-ACCA
The information of CAT-ACCA
ACCA-CAT: ACCA is mean that, The Association of Chartered Certified Accounting. CAT is mean that, Certified Accounting Technical. This course is professional course. ACCA is similar course of CA, CMA, and CPA. ACCA is recognized with UNITED NATION (UN), and member of IFAC (The international foundation of accountants) in this cause this demand all over the world. In this moment their have 1,40,000 members and 4,04,000 students and 83 institutions network with ACCA office. 170 countries students are training this degree. ACCA is rapid global accountancy body.
Which is the student are admitted this course? O-level/HSC qualified are applied CAT course, maximum students are enrolled CAT. Bangladesh SSC qualified certified is good demand. But o-level students are ahead on English. So many institutions enhance English knowledge their students and than enroll CAT degree.
CAT is the basic for accounting qualifications. After finished CAT than you enroll ACCA. So complete SSC/HSC any background you admit CAT course.
For CAT no formal qualification. Simply complete SSC/HSC any one admitted CAT.
ACCA knowledge module has 3 subjects F1, F2, F3. So you can complete CAT you did not read F1, F2, and F3. Bachelor of any discipline they are admitted, in fact which is the student Hon’s-masters in accounting or finance, or complete CA, CMA they can get exemption 1 to 9 paper.
Is CAT-ACCA is difficult?
No CAT and ACCA is not difficult any man who can complete O-level/HSC he/she can complete ACCA in four year.
ACCA exam:
ACCA exam is simple. ACCA take exam 1to 4 subjects. Obtain 50 in 100 marks you are passed.
Cost: Different institutions have different course fee.
There are some CAT-ACCA training institutes.
Chartered University College
House#51, road#10/A, dhanmondi, Dhaka. Phone: 8141601, +8801720-553278,74
Institutions of professional studies
12 Kawran bazarc/a, BDBL (old BSRS) Bhaban (14th floor) Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 02 8189428-9, Mob: 01973 094 656, 01711 480555
SAFS education group
House#105, Road# 9/A (old-19) Dhanmondi, (near sankor)
Phone: 8121113, 8114640, 8127974 Mobil: 01191556076-81
Alhamra (6th floor), Zindabazar, sylthet.
Cell: 01191556099-100, 01717-567867
House # 30, road # 3, O.R. Nixzam road,
GEC more, chittagong.
Cell: 01191-556096-98
ACCA-CAT: ACCA is mean that, The Association of Chartered Certified Accounting. CAT is mean that, Certified Accounting Technical. This course is professional course. ACCA is similar course of CA, CMA, and CPA. ACCA is recognized with UNITED NATION (UN), and member of IFAC (The international foundation of accountants) in this cause this demand all over the world. In this moment their have 1,40,000 members and 4,04,000 students and 83 institutions network with ACCA office. 170 countries students are training this degree. ACCA is rapid global accountancy body.
Which is the student are admitted this course? O-level/HSC qualified are applied CAT course, maximum students are enrolled CAT. Bangladesh SSC qualified certified is good demand. But o-level students are ahead on English. So many institutions enhance English knowledge their students and than enroll CAT degree.
CAT is the basic for accounting qualifications. After finished CAT than you enroll ACCA. So complete SSC/HSC any background you admit CAT course.
For CAT no formal qualification. Simply complete SSC/HSC any one admitted CAT.
ACCA knowledge module has 3 subjects F1, F2, F3. So you can complete CAT you did not read F1, F2, and F3. Bachelor of any discipline they are admitted, in fact which is the student Hon’s-masters in accounting or finance, or complete CA, CMA they can get exemption 1 to 9 paper.
Is CAT-ACCA is difficult?
No CAT and ACCA is not difficult any man who can complete O-level/HSC he/she can complete ACCA in four year.
ACCA exam:
ACCA exam is simple. ACCA take exam 1to 4 subjects. Obtain 50 in 100 marks you are passed.
Cost: Different institutions have different course fee.
There are some CAT-ACCA training institutes.
Chartered University College
House#51, road#10/A, dhanmondi, Dhaka. Phone: 8141601, +8801720-553278,74
Institutions of professional studies
12 Kawran bazarc/a, BDBL (old BSRS) Bhaban (14th floor) Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 02 8189428-9, Mob: 01973 094 656, 01711 480555
SAFS education group
House#105, Road# 9/A (old-19) Dhanmondi, (near sankor)
Phone: 8121113, 8114640, 8127974 Mobil: 01191556076-81
Alhamra (6th floor), Zindabazar, sylthet.
Cell: 01191556099-100, 01717-567867
House # 30, road # 3, O.R. Nixzam road,
GEC more, chittagong.
Cell: 01191-556096-98
Higher education of Europe
Higher education of Europe
For higher education men go to another country. It is primitive nature of men. For higher education men comes to Europe. All over the world men come in this Europe countries such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Holland, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Island, Norway, Spain, and England. This country is same educational system. These country educational institutions provide bachelor degree, master degree, diploma, and PhD programs. About all the countries bachelor degree 3-4 years, master degree 1-2 years, diploma course 2 years, and PhD degree 2-3 years duration.
Which are the subjects are available in these institutions?
Medical science: Cardiology, Dermatology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Radiology, Urology, and Phonology.
Arts: Fine arts, Visual communication, and Music.
Commerce: Management, Business administration, Accounting, and Marketing Finance.
Science: Information science, Telecommunication, Computer science, Geography, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Mathematics, and Physics.
Another: Political science, Law, Economics, Sociology, Tourism, International relation, Journalism, Hotel and catering management, and Agriculture.
Capability of language: Maximum countries institution to run educational activities they use their mother language. As a result to read this countries you have complete a course their language.
For Bangladeshi students Bangladesh have some institutions to train this language. You have chosen your language and complete a course. For francs language Bangladesh have a one institution like oleos forces.
Island University complete a course their students. For Cyprus, Greece, you have a score of IELTS and TOEFL. For admit to England you have IELTS core 5.5. TOEFL minimum score 550.
Apply and admit processing: To admit any institutions you communicate this university directly. For this cause you all time search their web site or newspaper. Varsity to varsity academic session, fee is differing from another university. You must learn proper information with any executive and then you can apply by email. You complete you form their requirements such as academic qualification, certificate, and application fee then you send via currier service/post office.
VISA processing: institution admission offer letter, academic certificate, Economic capability /scholarship paper and other paper. Submit these paper this countries embassy.
For higher education men go to another country. It is primitive nature of men. For higher education men comes to Europe. All over the world men come in this Europe countries such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Holland, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Island, Norway, Spain, and England. This country is same educational system. These country educational institutions provide bachelor degree, master degree, diploma, and PhD programs. About all the countries bachelor degree 3-4 years, master degree 1-2 years, diploma course 2 years, and PhD degree 2-3 years duration.
Which are the subjects are available in these institutions?
Medical science: Cardiology, Dermatology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Radiology, Urology, and Phonology.
Arts: Fine arts, Visual communication, and Music.
Commerce: Management, Business administration, Accounting, and Marketing Finance.
Science: Information science, Telecommunication, Computer science, Geography, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Mathematics, and Physics.
Another: Political science, Law, Economics, Sociology, Tourism, International relation, Journalism, Hotel and catering management, and Agriculture.
Capability of language: Maximum countries institution to run educational activities they use their mother language. As a result to read this countries you have complete a course their language.
For Bangladeshi students Bangladesh have some institutions to train this language. You have chosen your language and complete a course. For francs language Bangladesh have a one institution like oleos forces.
Island University complete a course their students. For Cyprus, Greece, you have a score of IELTS and TOEFL. For admit to England you have IELTS core 5.5. TOEFL minimum score 550.
Apply and admit processing: To admit any institutions you communicate this university directly. For this cause you all time search their web site or newspaper. Varsity to varsity academic session, fee is differing from another university. You must learn proper information with any executive and then you can apply by email. You complete you form their requirements such as academic qualification, certificate, and application fee then you send via currier service/post office.
VISA processing: institution admission offer letter, academic certificate, Economic capability /scholarship paper and other paper. Submit these paper this countries embassy.
Development studies
Development Studies
You complete bachelor degree in any subject. But advantage to jobs sectors you can read development studies. Finish this course you can increase your demand in jobs sectors. Where are you complete development studies? Bangladesh have a some intuitions are provide this course.
Dhaka University
Address: Development studies, 5th floor, arts faculty Dhaka University. Phone: 9661920, Mobil: 01720461910
Dhaka university development studies department provide of masters of development studies. To admit this course applicant have minimum 3 or 4 year’s bachelor degree. Any applicants have a 4 years bachelor of engineering, MBBS, and BDS degrees they are also apply this department. Any applicants complete BA (pass course) he/she have a master degree any subject.
Applicants have no 3rd division of any exam in his student life.
Exam system: For admit this course applicant get into a qualification-testing exam. This exam will be held on 100 marks. Among the 100 marks 25 language and communication, 20 marks GMAT question, 45 marks writing skill, and 10 marks Viva.
This course is 64 credits and total 35 seats.
Khulna University
Address: khulna university, kulna-9208, phone: 041-721791, 041-720171-3.
Khulna University provides this course. The name is course masters of development studies. Duration is of the course 1 year. To admit this course applicant have a bachelor degree. Total 40 seats of this course. The merit list published based on written and viva. Total 48 credits and cost 61,260 TK. Exam system: The exam will be held on 100 marks. 60 marks written and 40 marks is viva.
Islamic university of kustia
Address: Islamic university, shanty danga, kustai.
Phone: 071-62201-06, 62005-06.
To admit development studies in Islamic university applicant have complete any bachelor degree. Total 32 credits and course duration 1 year. Chose students based on admission test. To complete this course total cost 36,000Tk.
Brac University
Address: Brac University, 66 mohakali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Phone: 8824051-4
Brac University has a masters development studies. Any students, who complete undergraduate degree, postgraduate diploma, NGO workers are apply this department to admit. Which is the man are increase their skilled to admit this course. Total 54 credits. Total cost of complete this course 2,50,000Tk.
North south university
Address: Development studies department, North south university, plot-15, block B, Bosundara abasik alaka, Baridara, Dhaka.
Phone: 8852000
North south university has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit this programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subjects, this subjects is economics, business studies, social work, social science, anthropology, political science, and public administration.
Exam: To admit this programs applicant is enroll a competition. This will be held based on written and viva.
Total cost to complete is the course 1,95,000Tk.
East West University
(Address: East West University, 43 mohakali C/A, Dhaka-1212.
Phone: 8811381, 9882308
East West University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit is the programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subject, this subjects is economics, business studies, or bachelor degree computer science and engineering, and electrical and electronic engineering. Applicant have minimum CGPA 2.50 in this sectors.
You have to finish this course total cost 1,29,200 Tk.
Independent university of Bangladesh
Address: independent university, Bangladesh, 58-park road, Baridara, Dhaka-1212. Phone: 9881681, 9881917, and 9884498.
Independent University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. Total 39-credit and course duration 1 year. For this you have to cost 1,91,000Tk. To admit this course applicant have 4 year bachelor degree and one year masters degree.
You complete bachelor degree in any subject. But advantage to jobs sectors you can read development studies. Finish this course you can increase your demand in jobs sectors. Where are you complete development studies? Bangladesh have a some intuitions are provide this course.
Dhaka University
Address: Development studies, 5th floor, arts faculty Dhaka University. Phone: 9661920, Mobil: 01720461910
Dhaka university development studies department provide of masters of development studies. To admit this course applicant have minimum 3 or 4 year’s bachelor degree. Any applicants have a 4 years bachelor of engineering, MBBS, and BDS degrees they are also apply this department. Any applicants complete BA (pass course) he/she have a master degree any subject.
Applicants have no 3rd division of any exam in his student life.
Exam system: For admit this course applicant get into a qualification-testing exam. This exam will be held on 100 marks. Among the 100 marks 25 language and communication, 20 marks GMAT question, 45 marks writing skill, and 10 marks Viva.
This course is 64 credits and total 35 seats.
Khulna University
Address: khulna university, kulna-9208, phone: 041-721791, 041-720171-3.
Khulna University provides this course. The name is course masters of development studies. Duration is of the course 1 year. To admit this course applicant have a bachelor degree. Total 40 seats of this course. The merit list published based on written and viva. Total 48 credits and cost 61,260 TK. Exam system: The exam will be held on 100 marks. 60 marks written and 40 marks is viva.
Islamic university of kustia
Address: Islamic university, shanty danga, kustai.
Phone: 071-62201-06, 62005-06.
To admit development studies in Islamic university applicant have complete any bachelor degree. Total 32 credits and course duration 1 year. Chose students based on admission test. To complete this course total cost 36,000Tk.
Brac University
Address: Brac University, 66 mohakali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Phone: 8824051-4
Brac University has a masters development studies. Any students, who complete undergraduate degree, postgraduate diploma, NGO workers are apply this department to admit. Which is the man are increase their skilled to admit this course. Total 54 credits. Total cost of complete this course 2,50,000Tk.
North south university
Address: Development studies department, North south university, plot-15, block B, Bosundara abasik alaka, Baridara, Dhaka.
Phone: 8852000
North south university has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit this programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subjects, this subjects is economics, business studies, social work, social science, anthropology, political science, and public administration.
Exam: To admit this programs applicant is enroll a competition. This will be held based on written and viva.
Total cost to complete is the course 1,95,000Tk.
East West University
(Address: East West University, 43 mohakali C/A, Dhaka-1212.
Phone: 8811381, 9882308
East West University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit is the programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subject, this subjects is economics, business studies, or bachelor degree computer science and engineering, and electrical and electronic engineering. Applicant have minimum CGPA 2.50 in this sectors.
You have to finish this course total cost 1,29,200 Tk.
Independent university of Bangladesh
Address: independent university, Bangladesh, 58-park road, Baridara, Dhaka-1212. Phone: 9881681, 9881917, and 9884498.
Independent University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. Total 39-credit and course duration 1 year. For this you have to cost 1,91,000Tk. To admit this course applicant have 4 year bachelor degree and one year masters degree.
Private university of chittagong
Private university of chittagong
There are have some university in chittagong city. The university is.
University of science and technology chittagong (1993)
phone: 031-659070-1, 031-659593-4, 031-659069-71, and 031-659593-94
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC.
Subject: Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary, Bachelor pharmacy, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology, Bachelor of business administration, Bachelor of arts and English language.
Conditions: SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.5 and total GPA 5.00,
Cost: Telecommunication engineering when you admit at first you give 15,000 TK. Admission fee and 38,000TK. Semester fee. Semester two to eight you can give 38,000TK every semester.
Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary total cost 8,00,000TK. Bachelor pharmacy 90,000TK, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology 45,000TK, Bachelor of business administration 2,34,500Tk, Bachelor of Arts and English language 1,26,600Tk.
International Islamic university chittagong (1995)
phone: 031-610085,610308
Subject and cost: Sharia 131credits, Computer science and engineering 161credits, Computer and communication engineering 161credits, Electrical and electronic engineering 161 credits, Pharmacy 163credits, BBA 131credits, Arabic language and literature 121 credits, LLB 126 credits,
Sharia 37,000Tk. Computer science and engineering 3,54,400Tk, Computer and communication engineering 3,64,400Tk, Electrical and electronic engineering 3,87,200Tk, Pharmacy 3,90,900Tk, BBA 2,84,200Tk, Arabic language and literature 67,250Tk, LLB 1,82,50Tk,
Premier university (2002)
Subject: In this university undergraduate programs BS,c in computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Bachelor of business administration total cost of admission 1,75,000Tk. BSS Economics and BA English 1,09,000. LLB 1,30,000Tk.
Southern university of Bangladesh (2002)
phone: 031-2851336-9
Subject and cost: BBA 1,78,00Tk, Bachelor arts in English 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of pharmacy 2,76,000Tk, LLB 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of science in computer science and IT 2,21,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electronic and telecommunication engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor science in civil engineering 2,79,500Tk, Bachelor of hotel and tourism management 2,15,000Tk.
BGC trust university (2003)
phone: chittagong city office 031-656841 campus: 0303356285-6
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC. This university have undergraduate programs BBA, BSC in computer science and engineering, Bachelor of pharmacy, LLB, Bachelor of English.
Asian university for women (2008)
phone: 031-2854980, 031-2854988
To admit this university every students capable to read English medium. In this purpose the university run an access academy
They training students in this academy and admitted their university.
Subject: Arts and humanities, Social science, Biological science, literature and women studies, politics, Natural science, Philosophy, Economics, Information communication and technology.
You admitted this university you must obtain 60% marks in SSC and HSC exam. HSC exam you can obtain 60% marks English and mathematics.
There are have some university in chittagong city. The university is.
University of science and technology chittagong (1993)
phone: 031-659070-1, 031-659593-4, 031-659069-71, and 031-659593-94
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC.
Subject: Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary, Bachelor pharmacy, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology, Bachelor of business administration, Bachelor of arts and English language.
Conditions: SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.5 and total GPA 5.00,
Cost: Telecommunication engineering when you admit at first you give 15,000 TK. Admission fee and 38,000TK. Semester fee. Semester two to eight you can give 38,000TK every semester.
Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary total cost 8,00,000TK. Bachelor pharmacy 90,000TK, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology 45,000TK, Bachelor of business administration 2,34,500Tk, Bachelor of Arts and English language 1,26,600Tk.
International Islamic university chittagong (1995)
phone: 031-610085,610308
Subject and cost: Sharia 131credits, Computer science and engineering 161credits, Computer and communication engineering 161credits, Electrical and electronic engineering 161 credits, Pharmacy 163credits, BBA 131credits, Arabic language and literature 121 credits, LLB 126 credits,
Sharia 37,000Tk. Computer science and engineering 3,54,400Tk, Computer and communication engineering 3,64,400Tk, Electrical and electronic engineering 3,87,200Tk, Pharmacy 3,90,900Tk, BBA 2,84,200Tk, Arabic language and literature 67,250Tk, LLB 1,82,50Tk,
Premier university (2002)
Subject: In this university undergraduate programs BS,c in computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Bachelor of business administration total cost of admission 1,75,000Tk. BSS Economics and BA English 1,09,000. LLB 1,30,000Tk.
Southern university of Bangladesh (2002)
phone: 031-2851336-9
Subject and cost: BBA 1,78,00Tk, Bachelor arts in English 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of pharmacy 2,76,000Tk, LLB 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of science in computer science and IT 2,21,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electronic and telecommunication engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor science in civil engineering 2,79,500Tk, Bachelor of hotel and tourism management 2,15,000Tk.
BGC trust university (2003)
phone: chittagong city office 031-656841 campus: 0303356285-6
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC. This university have undergraduate programs BBA, BSC in computer science and engineering, Bachelor of pharmacy, LLB, Bachelor of English.
Asian university for women (2008)
phone: 031-2854980, 031-2854988
To admit this university every students capable to read English medium. In this purpose the university run an access academy
They training students in this academy and admitted their university.
Subject: Arts and humanities, Social science, Biological science, literature and women studies, politics, Natural science, Philosophy, Economics, Information communication and technology.
You admitted this university you must obtain 60% marks in SSC and HSC exam. HSC exam you can obtain 60% marks English and mathematics.
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