New subject and new provability

New subject and new Provability

Many students’ are wants to doctor, engineer. But now days the profession sector is increasing day by day. Some years ago computer science is very demand after 2000 BBA and MBA take this place.
At this moment students are attractive a new subjects and they want to build their career in this sector. There have some subjects this subjects is good for students and students like this subjects.
Such this subjects, Development studies, Criminology and Police science, Digester management, Urban Planning, and population communication.

If you did not built in your career in doctor and engineer but no frustrate. You have to build your career in these subjects.

Disaster management: Flood, cycle cone, and natural disaster these department students are know these subjects. You have to want admit this subject you have enroll an exam.
Exam system is written and Viva. Total 100 marks and 80 written and 20 viva. Dhaka University provides this degree under the social science and geography department.

Criminology and police science: Moulana Vasni science and technology university Tangil provide this degree. The started this programs science 2003.
They can learn practical by the field trip. They achieve various knowledge of criminology. The university teaches their students Kinds of criminal and it’s prevented system.
And another sector such as Law and human rights, Public administration, Police studies, police administration and management, security practice, criminological evolution and analyses, criminal investigation, criminal law, forensic science, offender treatment, terrorism, crime mapping, police information technology, victim logy, and criminal physiology.
To admit this programs you have obtain 6.50 minimum GPA with since background.
You want to master degree in this subject you have four-year bachelor degree in social science faculty.

Population science: population science creates a sector that to you know men. To built a effective manpower its can help. And its try to improve the humanity with the population health, women rights, remove poverty, and urban development.
Dhaka University and Rajshahi University provide this degree. Dhaka University runs an evening masters programs.
Rajshahi University has 4 years bachelor and 1-year masters’ degree. Some private universities run these subjets. To admit this subjects in Dhaka University you have to 4 years bachelor degree.

Health economics: Day by day increase health economics demand. You have to more information Dhaka university arts faculty. You have to read this subjects you can success in you career. Many students are chosen this subject for postgraduate degree. To complete postgraduate degree you have to stay four-year bachelor degree.
Total 110 marks among the marks 90 marks are written and 20 marks is viva. There have Total seats 50.
Tourism and hospitality management: Tourism and hospitality management und business studies faculty. Dhaka University provides this degree under business faculty since 2007. Hospitality management has BBA and MBA programs. There have also evening programs.
Private have also provide this degree. You have want to admit Dhaka university you enroll admission exam.

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