Choose your subject and built in career
You can choose the subject and you are able the change your life.
In this time architecture is a good subject. Architect is an important person he/she is a designer. Architect able to show creativity. Every architect is an engineer but every engineer not an architect.
There are some universities they have architecture department. Such as,
BUET: 55 seats are available in this university for 1st year admission test. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 19 math, physics, chemistry, English.
There have 2 unite. Ko and kho unite.
Ko unite is only for engineering and kho unite is both for engineering and architecture. For kho unite applicant the have exam this subjects, math, physics, chemistry, English. Total marks 1000. 600 marks theory and 400 marks free hand writing.
Khulna University: Khulna University has 35 seats for architecture department. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 15 math, physics, chemistry, English. Total 100 marks for admission.
Shajalal university of science and technology: Shajalal university of science and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. This varsity have two unite, A and B unite. Architecture under the B unite. Which is the students are pass SSC and HSC science background the apply A and B unite. SSC and HSC applicant obtain minimum GPA 3.00 and total GPA 6.50.
Chittagong university of engineering and technology: Chittagong university of engineering and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. There have an two unite ko and kho.
Engineering and urban and area planning under ko unite. Engineering and urban and area planning architecture under kho unite. Apply this department you have obtain GPA 3.00 HSC exam separately physics, math, English. In fact physics, chemistry, math total GPA 13. Which is the students are take from kho unite they have exam free hand writing.
Private university
Ahsanulla university of science and technology: This university have 50 seats for architecture. Apply this subject in this university
Total GPA 7.00. SSC and HSC. In fact HSC have 3.30. this subjects are compulsory math, physics, chemistry, English.
Brac university: Apply architecture subject in this university
Total GPA 6.50 . SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.50. Admission test have two divisions such as theory and free hand writing.
North south university: Apply architecture subject in this university minimum GPA SSC and HSC 3.50.
American international university of Bangladesh: Apply architecture subject in this university Total GPA 6.00. SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.75. In fact SSC and HSC you have obtain 45% marks in English.
Asia pacific university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.
Stamford university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.
Technical training institute of bangladesh
Technical training institute of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a densely populate country. Huge numbers of people are unemployed. In fact you have take technical training, you can self depend. Effective manpower is not problems in any countries. Manpower, employment, and technical burro publish an information .The year of 2009. 4,75,000 people have gone to abroad, and the send $1,720 million dollar. At this time manpower import country they prepare effective man. So which are the man minds that go to abroad you can take technical training.
Take training you can establish a training institute.
Total 38 technical institutes across the country.
Subject of training institute: There are 45 subjects are available in this institutions. Such as ship fabrication, drafting civil, refrigeration and air condition, radio, television, auto mechanics, carpeting, wood workers, Plumbing and five fettering, general mechanics, computer, networking, Welding, house warring, graphics, catering, rod binding, pattern making, tiles facture, mid level garments supervising, swiping machine operating, cng machine operator, auto cad, drafting, plastic technology, electrical, electronic, bloke batik.
Conditions: Most of the course are want to the applicant have to class 8 pass.
Duration of course and fee: Maximum course duration 2 to 6 month. This institution have 4 years diploma engineering course.
Subject way course fee variation. Maximum course fee 1500TK to 2000TK.
This institution under Government sector: Dhaka :bagla-germn technical training center, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:shopra, Comilla:cotbari, Faridpur:seriongon, Ranggamati:college gate, Khulna:taligati, Mymensingh:maskanda, Bogra:nisindara ,santahar road, Barisal:cnb road
This institution under development sector: Karanigong: hajrotpur, Genidaha:aruprur, Sylhet:alampur, Dinajpur:mata sagor,shekpura, Tangil:nogor jal fai, Kustia:chowrohas,bicik roak, Nohakali:gabua, Bandarban:mekla, Lalmonirhatf:haribanga, Lakkipur:masimnogor, Kagracori:golabari, Tagorghou: goalpara, Chapapinababgong:bargoria, Norshindi:shivpur, Nator:noldanga, Rangpur:talukdummodush, Pabna:lakkinathpur, Jamalpur:baltia, Potouakali:potouakalisodor, Josore:khulna bus stand
Mohila technical training institute: Dhaka:Darussalam,mirpur road, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:sopora, Khulna:taligati, Sylhet:alampur, Barisal:cnbroad.
Bangladesh is a densely populate country. Huge numbers of people are unemployed. In fact you have take technical training, you can self depend. Effective manpower is not problems in any countries. Manpower, employment, and technical burro publish an information .The year of 2009. 4,75,000 people have gone to abroad, and the send $1,720 million dollar. At this time manpower import country they prepare effective man. So which are the man minds that go to abroad you can take technical training.
Take training you can establish a training institute.
Total 38 technical institutes across the country.
Subject of training institute: There are 45 subjects are available in this institutions. Such as ship fabrication, drafting civil, refrigeration and air condition, radio, television, auto mechanics, carpeting, wood workers, Plumbing and five fettering, general mechanics, computer, networking, Welding, house warring, graphics, catering, rod binding, pattern making, tiles facture, mid level garments supervising, swiping machine operating, cng machine operator, auto cad, drafting, plastic technology, electrical, electronic, bloke batik.
Conditions: Most of the course are want to the applicant have to class 8 pass.
Duration of course and fee: Maximum course duration 2 to 6 month. This institution have 4 years diploma engineering course.
Subject way course fee variation. Maximum course fee 1500TK to 2000TK.
This institution under Government sector: Dhaka :bagla-germn technical training center, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:shopra, Comilla:cotbari, Faridpur:seriongon, Ranggamati:college gate, Khulna:taligati, Mymensingh:maskanda, Bogra:nisindara ,santahar road, Barisal:cnb road
This institution under development sector: Karanigong: hajrotpur, Genidaha:aruprur, Sylhet:alampur, Dinajpur:mata sagor,shekpura, Tangil:nogor jal fai, Kustia:chowrohas,bicik roak, Nohakali:gabua, Bandarban:mekla, Lalmonirhatf:haribanga, Lakkipur:masimnogor, Kagracori:golabari, Tagorghou: goalpara, Chapapinababgong:bargoria, Norshindi:shivpur, Nator:noldanga, Rangpur:talukdummodush, Pabna:lakkinathpur, Jamalpur:baltia, Potouakali:potouakalisodor, Josore:khulna bus stand
Mohila technical training institute: Dhaka:Darussalam,mirpur road, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:sopora, Khulna:taligati, Sylhet:alampur, Barisal:cnbroad.
Dental college of Bangladesh
Dental college of Bangladesh
Government dental college and seats: Dhaka dental college (110), Chittagong medical college dental unite (50), Rajshahi medical college dental unite (50).
Private dental college: Phonier dental college Dhaka (100), City dental college Dhaka (75), University dental college Dhaka (75), Bangladesh dental college Dhaka (50), Sapporo dental college Dhaka (50), Rangpur dental college rangpur (100), Chittagong international dental college (50), Udoyon dental college Rahshahi (50).
Government dental college and seats: Dhaka dental college (110), Chittagong medical college dental unite (50), Rajshahi medical college dental unite (50).
Private dental college: Phonier dental college Dhaka (100), City dental college Dhaka (75), University dental college Dhaka (75), Bangladesh dental college Dhaka (50), Sapporo dental college Dhaka (50), Rangpur dental college rangpur (100), Chittagong international dental college (50), Udoyon dental college Rahshahi (50).
Medical college of Bangladesh
Medical college of Bangladesh
Total 17 government medical college across the country. Every college are situated every district. Give certificate under near university.
Dhaka medical college (178), Mymensingh medical college (178), Hosen shohid shohorawardi medical college (126), Sir solimulla medical college (178), Sylhet medical college (178), Barisal medical college (178), Faridpur medical college (178), Chittagong medical college (178), Pabna medical college (50), Rajshahi medical college (178), Rangpur medical college (178), Comilla medical college (107), Shohid Ziaur rahman medical college (132), Dinajpur medical college (132), Nohakali medical college (50), Cox bazaar medical college (50), Aram force medical college have 100 seats
Conditions: SSC and HSC both exam obtain minimum GPA 3.50. and total GPA 8.00. Both exam applicant have Biology subject.
Exam system: Total marks 200 . SSC GPA multiply with 8 and HSC GPA multiply with 12 its total 100 and another 100 mcq question. In this exam subject wary marks Botany 15, Zoology 15, Physics 15, Chemistry 15, English 15, General knowledge 10.
Hostel: Every medical college have sufficient hostel.
Total 17 government medical college across the country. Every college are situated every district. Give certificate under near university.
Dhaka medical college (178), Mymensingh medical college (178), Hosen shohid shohorawardi medical college (126), Sir solimulla medical college (178), Sylhet medical college (178), Barisal medical college (178), Faridpur medical college (178), Chittagong medical college (178), Pabna medical college (50), Rajshahi medical college (178), Rangpur medical college (178), Comilla medical college (107), Shohid Ziaur rahman medical college (132), Dinajpur medical college (132), Nohakali medical college (50), Cox bazaar medical college (50), Aram force medical college have 100 seats
Conditions: SSC and HSC both exam obtain minimum GPA 3.50. and total GPA 8.00. Both exam applicant have Biology subject.
Exam system: Total marks 200 . SSC GPA multiply with 8 and HSC GPA multiply with 12 its total 100 and another 100 mcq question. In this exam subject wary marks Botany 15, Zoology 15, Physics 15, Chemistry 15, English 15, General knowledge 10.
Hostel: Every medical college have sufficient hostel.
Bangladesh private university
Bangladesh private university
According to ugc information 54 university over the country. Some university list of this university.
North south university 1992
Phone: 8852000
The first private university of Bangladesh in the north south university.
School of business: Inter national business, Marketing, Human resource management, Economics, Business policy and studies, Finance and accounting in this four subjects BBA in major. Total 124 credits with internship.
computer engineering , Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering , Environmental science, Environment management, Economics , pharmacy, Microbiology, Biochemistry and biotechnology.
This every subjects128 to 132 credits complete. For architecture complete 172 credits.
All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .
Every credits cost 4500 T.K. when you admitted in this university you give 20000 Tk. and every semester give library, lab, development fee 4000 Tk.
Total cost for BBA 6,26,000. Architecture 9,00,000. and another subjects cost 6,60,000.Tk.
Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.50. A applicant did not get admission test over two times.
Independent university of Bangladesh 1993
Phone: 8401645-52
This subject are available in this university. BBA, Economics, Computer science and engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Population environment, Environment management English, Land and water resource management, Media and communication.
4000Tk every credits. Admission fee 15000Tk. Complete the hon`s in this university total cost 5,50000 Tk.
Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00.
Three semester in one year.
American international university 1994
This subject are available in this university. Computer science and engineering, Computer science, CIS, CSS, CSSE, EEE,COU. In this subjects you complete 130 to 145. and complete architecture 175 credits.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00 . Total GPA 6.5. for admit BBA and Architecture SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 6.00. for arts and social science SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 5.50.
Cost: Per credits 4000 TK. admission fee 15000 TK, development fee 8000 Tk, Students activity fee 8000 TK, laboratory fee 2000 TK, and other 1500 TK,
cost for BBA 5,70,000TK, Architecture 7,00,000 TK, and another subjects cost 6,50000.
Ahasanulla university of science and technology1995
In this university there are no competition. Based on SSC and HSC results score. Two semester in one year. CSE, CIV, total cost 4,74000 TK. ETE , IPE, TEXTILE total cost5,13,000 TK. BBA 4,10,000TK. Architecture total cost 6,12,000 TK.
with out architecture all the subjects are complete 2 semester in every year and 4 year total 8 semester. For architecture every year 2 semester and 5 year total 10 semester.
East west university 1996
Phone: 8811381, 9882308
Computer science and engineering total cost 5,73,000TK and (140 credits), Pharmacy 6,37,000TK (158 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), Information and communication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), BBA 4,81,000TK (123 credits), Electrical and electronic engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), English 3,97,000TK (123 credits), Economics 4,03,000TK (123 credits),
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . In the world another university to facilities credit transfer.
Brac unic university
Phone: 8853948, 8853949
Subject: BBA, Computer science, Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronic and telecommunication engineering, LLB, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, English, Microbiology, Biotechnology, in this subjects you complete 123 to 136 credits.
Pharmacy to complete 172, and Architecture to complete 199 credits.
In this university name of semester residencial in this semester students have to stay 4 month the main campus in shavar .
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . and total GPA 6.00.
All the subject per credit cost 4500 TK, only architecture some course per credit cost 5500 TK. Admission fee 12,000TK, every semester library, lab, development fee total 2850TK.
Total cost for architecture 9,50,000TK, Pharmacy 9,00,000TK, and another subjects total cost 6,25,000 to 6,90,000TK. All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .
University of liberal arts 2004
BBA (135 credits), English (126 credits), Computer science and engineering (140 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering (147 credits), Media studio and journalism (126 credits).
Cost: Total cost for BBA 1,35,000TK, English 3,65000TK, Computer and engineering 4,80,000TK, Electronic and telecommunication engineering 4,91,000TK.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 .
According to ugc information 54 university over the country. Some university list of this university.
North south university 1992
Phone: 8852000
The first private university of Bangladesh in the north south university.
School of business: Inter national business, Marketing, Human resource management, Economics, Business policy and studies, Finance and accounting in this four subjects BBA in major. Total 124 credits with internship.
computer engineering , Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering , Environmental science, Environment management, Economics , pharmacy, Microbiology, Biochemistry and biotechnology.
This every subjects128 to 132 credits complete. For architecture complete 172 credits.
All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .
Every credits cost 4500 T.K. when you admitted in this university you give 20000 Tk. and every semester give library, lab, development fee 4000 Tk.
Total cost for BBA 6,26,000. Architecture 9,00,000. and another subjects cost 6,60,000.Tk.
Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.50. A applicant did not get admission test over two times.
Independent university of Bangladesh 1993
Phone: 8401645-52
This subject are available in this university. BBA, Economics, Computer science and engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Population environment, Environment management English, Land and water resource management, Media and communication.
4000Tk every credits. Admission fee 15000Tk. Complete the hon`s in this university total cost 5,50000 Tk.
Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00.
Three semester in one year.
American international university 1994
This subject are available in this university. Computer science and engineering, Computer science, CIS, CSS, CSSE, EEE,COU. In this subjects you complete 130 to 145. and complete architecture 175 credits.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00 . Total GPA 6.5. for admit BBA and Architecture SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 6.00. for arts and social science SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 5.50.
Cost: Per credits 4000 TK. admission fee 15000 TK, development fee 8000 Tk, Students activity fee 8000 TK, laboratory fee 2000 TK, and other 1500 TK,
cost for BBA 5,70,000TK, Architecture 7,00,000 TK, and another subjects cost 6,50000.
Ahasanulla university of science and technology1995
In this university there are no competition. Based on SSC and HSC results score. Two semester in one year. CSE, CIV, total cost 4,74000 TK. ETE , IPE, TEXTILE total cost5,13,000 TK. BBA 4,10,000TK. Architecture total cost 6,12,000 TK.
with out architecture all the subjects are complete 2 semester in every year and 4 year total 8 semester. For architecture every year 2 semester and 5 year total 10 semester.
East west university 1996
Phone: 8811381, 9882308
Computer science and engineering total cost 5,73,000TK and (140 credits), Pharmacy 6,37,000TK (158 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), Information and communication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), BBA 4,81,000TK (123 credits), Electrical and electronic engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), English 3,97,000TK (123 credits), Economics 4,03,000TK (123 credits),
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . In the world another university to facilities credit transfer.
Brac unic university
Phone: 8853948, 8853949
Subject: BBA, Computer science, Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronic and telecommunication engineering, LLB, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, English, Microbiology, Biotechnology, in this subjects you complete 123 to 136 credits.
Pharmacy to complete 172, and Architecture to complete 199 credits.
In this university name of semester residencial in this semester students have to stay 4 month the main campus in shavar .
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . and total GPA 6.00.
All the subject per credit cost 4500 TK, only architecture some course per credit cost 5500 TK. Admission fee 12,000TK, every semester library, lab, development fee total 2850TK.
Total cost for architecture 9,50,000TK, Pharmacy 9,00,000TK, and another subjects total cost 6,25,000 to 6,90,000TK. All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .
University of liberal arts 2004
BBA (135 credits), English (126 credits), Computer science and engineering (140 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering (147 credits), Media studio and journalism (126 credits).
Cost: Total cost for BBA 1,35,000TK, English 3,65000TK, Computer and engineering 4,80,000TK, Electronic and telecommunication engineering 4,91,000TK.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 .
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