Choose yor subject and built in career

Choose your subject and built in career
You can choose the subject and you are able the change your life.

In this time architecture is a good subject. Architect is an important person he/she is a designer. Architect able to show creativity. Every architect is an engineer but every engineer not an architect.

There are some universities they have architecture department. Such as,
BUET: 55 seats are available in this university for 1st year admission test. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 19 math, physics, chemistry, English.
There have 2 unite. Ko and kho unite.
Ko unite is only for engineering and kho unite is both for engineering and architecture. For kho unite applicant the have exam this subjects, math, physics, chemistry, English. Total marks 1000. 600 marks theory and 400 marks free hand writing.

Khulna University: Khulna University has 35 seats for architecture department. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 15 math, physics, chemistry, English. Total 100 marks for admission.

Shajalal university of science and technology: Shajalal university of science and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. This varsity have two unite, A and B unite. Architecture under the B unite. Which is the students are pass SSC and HSC science background the apply A and B unite. SSC and HSC applicant obtain minimum GPA 3.00 and total GPA 6.50.

Chittagong university of engineering and technology: Chittagong university of engineering and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. There have an two unite ko and kho.
Engineering and urban and area planning under ko unite. Engineering and urban and area planning architecture under kho unite. Apply this department you have obtain GPA 3.00 HSC exam separately physics, math, English. In fact physics, chemistry, math total GPA 13. Which is the students are take from kho unite they have exam free hand writing.

Private university
Ahsanulla university of science and technology: This university have 50 seats for architecture. Apply this subject in this university
Total GPA 7.00. SSC and HSC. In fact HSC have 3.30. this subjects are compulsory math, physics, chemistry, English.

Brac university: Apply architecture subject in this university
Total GPA 6.50 . SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.50. Admission test have two divisions such as theory and free hand writing.

North south university: Apply architecture subject in this university minimum GPA SSC and HSC 3.50.

American international university of Bangladesh: Apply architecture subject in this university Total GPA 6.00. SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.75. In fact SSC and HSC you have obtain 45% marks in English.

Asia pacific university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.

Stamford university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.

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