Dhaka university
There are 13 faculty and 8 institute.
A -unite
Science faculty: Physics(140), Math(175), Chemistry(90), Statistics, information statistics(104), Applied statistics(50), Information and technology institute(30) Total 589 students are admitted there.
Biology faculty: soil science(75), Botany(75), Zoology(90), physicology(95), Micro biology(35), Fisheries((25),zenitixenginiering and biotechnology(10), Food science(30), Total 495 student are admitted there.
Farmecy faculty:There are 60 students admitted.
Earth and environmental science faculty:Geography(110), soil information(butatta) (50).There are 160 students are admitted.
Engineering and technology faculty: applied physics, computer science and engineering(70), Applied chemistry(60), electronic and communication engineering(70). There are 190 students are admitted.
Arts faculty:Bangla(132), English(150), Arabic(115), Frances literature(76), Urdu(80), Sonskrit(71), puli and buddsh studies(90), History(125), Physocology(191), Islamic studies(115), Islamic history(140), Information science and library management(75), Language science(90)
Social science faculty:Economics(128), Political science(250), Anthrophology(55), Journalism(66), Social science(240), Public administration(100), International relation(77), Women and gender studies(35), Social work(115),
law faculty: law(150)
B.B.A faculty:Management studies(175), Accounting and information system(175), Marketing(175), Banking(87), Management and information system(65), Tourism and hospitality management(75), International business(75).
(IBA)B.B.A:There are 90 student admitted.
Institute of education resarch(I.E.R):There are 150 students are admitted
There are 9 faculty and 49 subjects are available
Arts faculty: A - unite: phylpsopy(300), English(100), History(300), Bangla(100), Islamic history, Urdu,Farsi, Arabic, Islamic studies(100),
law faculty: B-unite: there are 100 students are admitted in this faculty.
Science faculty: c-unite: Mathematics(75), Physics(90), Chemistry(75), Statistics(40), Applied chemistry(50), Pharmacy(40), Population science and human recourse development(40), Applied mathematics(75),
B.B.A faculty :unite- d: Accounting and information system(100), Management(100), Marketing(100), Finance(100).
social science faculty: E- unite: Economics(100), Political science(100), Social work(100), Social science(100), Journalism(45), Information science and library management(60), Public administration(100), Anthropology(50).
Life and soil science faculty: F - unite: Geography(75), Physicology(65), Zeology(100), Botany(100),
Agri faculty: G -unite: Genetics enginering and biotechnology(40), Agri economy and agricultural extension(15), Fisheries(50), Animal husbandry and vatanary science(15), crops science technology(15),
Technology faculty: H -unite: Applied physics and electronic engineering(50), Applied chemistry and chemical technology(50), Computer science and engineering(30), Information and communication engineering(20), Material science and technology (25).
Hostel:There are 11 boyes hostel and 5 girls hostel.
There are two institute and five faculty
Mathematics and physics faculty: Koo- unite:
1) computer science and engineering, 2) mathematics, 3) Physics, statics, soil science , chyemistry, environment science.
Social science faculty: Kha- unite: Economics, Urban planing, Anthropology, Geography, Government and polotics, publicadministration.
Arts faculty: ga -unite: International relation, english, History, Phylosopy, Banla,
Biology faculty: Gha -unite: Botany, Zeology, Farmecy, Microbiology.
B.B.A. faculty: umo _unite: Finance and banking, Marketing
condition: There are various condition in the saperate department.
There are 5 faculty and 22 departmet in the university.
Religion theory and islamic studies faculty: Al-Quran and islamic studies, Al-hadis and islamic studies, Dawa and islamic studies.
Arts and social science faculty: Economics, Arabic. Bangla, Islamic history, English, Political science , Public administration.
Sharia faculty :law of muslim bidan, Al-fiq.
B.B.A. faculty: Accounting and information system, Management, Finance and Banking.
Thechnology faculty: Applied physics, Electronic and communication engineering, Applied chemistry and chemicl technology, Biotechnology and genetics engineering, Food technology, Math , Statistics.
Conditions:Tere are different conditions every faculty .
Admition test: McQ or written or booth system to admiton test.
Hostel: There are 6 hostel in the university. 4 boyes hostel and 2 girls hostel.
Transport: university have a 40 vehecals. Every day the vehecals go to kustia and gnidaha city from campus to bring students.
Rungpur(phone: 0521_66731)
There are 3 faculty and 11 department.
Arts and social science faculty: Bangla, English, Economics, History.
Science and technology faculty: Computer science and engineering, Statistics, Geography.
B.B.A. faculty: Accounting and information system, Marketing, Management.
Jatiya kabi kazi nazrul islam university
Thrisal ,Mymensingh.
There are four faculty is avilable.
Arts faculty: Bangl, English,
Social science faculty: Economics.
Science faculty: computer science and engineering.
B.B.A. faculty:Accounting and information system, Finance and banking.
Conditions: Every year department to department conditions are change.
Hostel: There are two hostel are avilable for the students, one boys and one girls.
Transportation: every dayes three buses are goes to campus from mymensing city.
(Gallamari, Khulna(besides the khulna shatkira highway road)
Phone 041-721791
There are five faculty and eightin department and one institute are avilable.
science and technology school: Archetechar, Urban and rural planing, CSE, ECE, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
Boiology faculty: foresty and wood technology, Fisheris and merin resource, Boiotechnology and genetics engineering, Agrotechnology, Environment science, Farmecy, Soil science.
Business studies school: business studies decipline.
Arts school:English.
Social science school:Economics, sociology.
Shajalal university of science and technology
Aklaia,besides the sylhet shonamgong road
There are six school and 25 departments.
school wary department
School of agricultural and mineral science: Forestry and environmental science
School of applied science: Architecture, Chemical engineering and polymer science, Civil and environmental engineering , Industrial science and engineering, Petroleum and geo-resource engineering, Food and tree technology.
School of lief science: Genetics engineering and boiotechnology.
School of physical science: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics,
School of management and business administration: B.B.A. There are ninty students are admitted.
School of social science: Anthropology, Bagla, Economics, English, Political studies, Public administration, Social science, Social work.
Admition test: Admition test will be held unite system. unite such as ko, kho unite.
Conditions: Every year university pulished a asvertisement in the national news paper for admittion.
Hotel: There are two boys hostel and one girls hostel. Which is the students do not get a seat in the hostel the university manage their hostage.
Josore science and technology university
Ambottola, josore. phone:0421-62038
There are three faculty and nine department.
Engineering and technology faculty: computer science and engineering,
Industrial production engineering, petroleum and mining engineering.
Biological science faculty: Microbiology, Fisheries and aqua cultural, DNA engineering and technology.
Applied science faculty: Environment science and health management, Applied chemistry and chemical technology, Food technology and nutrition science, Pharmacy.
Total 390 students are admitted , among them vitamin and food science, Petroleum and mining engineering, Industrial production engineering department are admitted 30 students each department .Another each department admitted students 50.
Conditions: SSC and HSC booth exam total GPA 7 .Every exam separately obtain minimum 3 points. Admission test will be held 2 unite, 3 department are included engineering and technology faculty, Ko – unite included Environment and science department and another 5 department are included KHO – unite .
Exam system multiple choice question ( mcq).
Moulana vasani science and technology university
Sontos tanggail , Phone 0921-55399
Faculty: There are two faculty such as computer science and life science
Computer science faculty: Computer science and engineering, Information and communication technology, Textile engineering.
Life science faculty: Environment science, criminal science, Biotechnology and genetics engineering, Food technology and nutrition science.
Conditions: SSC and HSC booth exam minimum GPA 3.5.
Exam system: Exam will be held two faculty separately. 120 numbers questions in this subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English. In fact physics and math total obtain 40 marks for life science .
Hostel: 3 hostel for boys and 1 hostel for girls .
pabna university of science and technology
Government teachers training college, Rajpur, Pabna.
Science faculty: Mathematics, Physics.
Engineering and technology faculty: computer science and engineering, Applied Physics, Electrical and communication engineering, Information and communication engineering .
Business studies faculty: Business administration.
Social science faculty: Economics.
Conditions: SSC and HSC GpA total 6. and saperately minimum 2.5 in booth examination.
Hazi mohammad Danesh science and technology university
dinajpur, Bangladesh.Phone: 0531-65429
There are 6 faculty such as Agricultural, Computer science and engineering, Business studies, Fisheries, Agro industrial, Food processing engineering, vet nary and animal science.
there are 32 department under the 6 faculty.
Conditions: SSC and HSC every subjects minimum GPA 3 and total GPA 6.5 with ought additional subject.
Special subjects: Agricultural and bioresearch engineering, Telecommunication and electric engineering.
Hostel: There are 4 boys and 1 girls hostel.
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