Chittagong university of engineering and technology (CUET)
chittagong, Phone:31-71439460-
Three faculty are available in this university, Engineering , Electronic and computer science, Architecture and planning.
Under graduate degree: Bsc in mechanical engineering, Bsc in electronics and electronic engineering, Computer science and engineering, Architecture, Urban and rural planning.
Exam system: physics 200, Chemistry 200, Math 200, English 100 , total 700 marks. individual subjects are 50% written and 50% multiple choice question.
Hostel: There are 4 boys and 1 girls hostel. All the students are facility to hostel.
Dhaka university of engineer and technology (DUET)
Gazipur, Dhaka . Phone:02-9204734, MObile:01711-
There are three faculty such as , Electrical and electronic engineering, Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering.
Electrical and electronic engineering: Electrical and electronic engineering, Computer science and engineering,
Civil engineering: Civil engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
Mechanical engineering: Mechanical engineering , Textile engineering.
Conditions: SSC minimum GpA 2.80. Which is the diploma engineer under the technical board CGPA minimum2.75.
Admission test: Physics 40, Chemistry40, Math 40,English 40. Technical subjects 150. Total 300 marks.
Hostel: There are 4 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel.
Rajshahi university of engineering and technology (RUET)
There are two faculty 1) Civil engineering 2) Electric and computer science engineering.
Department: Civil engineering , Mechanical engineering , Electrical and electronic engineering, Electric and Computer science engineering, Tele communication engineering, industrial production engineering, Glass and ceramics.
Conditions: Obtain GPA 5. and physic chemistry and math total point 17.
Admission test: 20 marks mcq and 80 marks written. written exam 20 math, english20,Physics20,Chemistry 20.
Hostel: there are 4 hostel for boys and 1 hostel for girls.
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