Dengue fever
Dengue fever is disease of Aedes mosquito-borne infection. According to WHO, ‘‘ Dengue is one of the prime reemerging diseases all over the world.” Aedes mosquito bites during day and transmits dengue virus. It breeds in clean stagnant water both indoor and outdoor. If a person is infected, its symptoms become apparent in four or six days. Dengue virus originating from Africa is now epidemic in most tropical countries of Asia like Myanmar, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Philippines and in east and West Africa. According to the information of medical science at first dengue fever experienced at Philadelphia in 1780. Death, due to infection of dengue fever, occurred in Australia in 1780. At that time more than one thousand people died due to dengue fever. Dengue fever was seen at first in Asia in 1953.
Dengue fever has broken out in Bangladesh or another countries in recent year. But it had been identified as far back as 1966. A project supported by World Health Organization, detected this virus in chittagong and two neighboring thanas. There are two types of dengue fever. They are classified dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Classical dengue fever is less dangerous and very rarely causes death. But dengue Hemorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with bleeding. There are four stereotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4, DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious.
Dengue mosquito is about 5 millimeters in size with stripes on the body and legs and can fly up to about 50 meters at a time. It breeds in small pots, jars, drums and discarded plastic containers and tiers.
It lives on blood and Aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. So we should take immediate action to prevent this disease.
We safe the dengue fever we clean our house side grasses and flower tubs. When this syndromes show our family member we take immediate step.
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