
Green house effect
In the modern time green hose effect is most environment problem.
There are many causes green house effect. The destruction and cutting down of topical rain forests, vehicles that clog up city streets, the rapid growth of population. The use of chlorofluorocarbons in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents, such as washing powder and washing-up-liquid and various kinds of environmental pollutions are the causes of green house effect. Carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons also cause green house effect.
The effects of greenhouse are too many to be described. Its effect is very devastating and destructive. Their effect is a dangerous threat to our existence and to animal and plant lives. Climatologists
Predict that by midway through the next century temperatures may have risen by a much as 4-degree salacious. This could seriously reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland.
Bangladesh is very much vulnerable to frequent natural disasters. Annual visitations of cyclones and floods are routine but nonetheless sudden and fatal in their wild rage. The yearly damages the leaves behind are enormous. However our people are accustomed to cyclones and floods. But another creeping disaster is gathering in fury is the green house erect for which the people are not prepared at all and the state appears to be taking no notice. It is the danger of rising sea level from the green house-effect. It can wipe away about one third of our land and spell disaster for the ecological balance of the entire country.
People should be encourage to palent trees more instead of cutting down trees indiscriminately. It is a sacred duty of all human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. To make life healthy and comfortable we should keep the environment clean and free from all kinds of population’s. Mills, factories, brickfields should be set up in a planned way. Alarming rate of population growth should be checked. Vehicles should be brought under control so that they might not produce deafening sound and emit thick pall of black smoke and create traffic clogging.
For our survival, we can careful our environment pollution, create awareness of the people evil of environment pollution.

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