Human behavior
Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act, as they like. No one however, can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests of others as well as his own interests. Society means a group of people with the same laws and same way to life. People in society many may make their own decisions but these decision ought not to be unjust or harmful to others. One man’s decisions may easily harm another people. For example, a motorist may be in a hurry to get to his friend’s house. He sets out, driving at full speed like a competition in a motor race. There are other vehicles and also pedestrians on the road. Suddenly there is crash. There are screams and confusion. One careless motorist has struck another car. The collision has injured two people and killed the fourth. Too many road accidents happen through the thoughtlessness, of selfish drivers.
All the countries have a government, the police and the law magistrates to prevent or to punish these miscreants’ acts. But in addition, all men ought to observe certain rules and conduct. Every man ought to behave with consideration of other men. He ought not seal to cheat or destroy property of others. There is no place for this short or behavior in a civilize society.
Men in a free society have a certain human rights. The government and the police do not watch all their movements. Officials do not dictate to them everything they may or may not do. Men in free society may think as they please. They may even choose their won government in return for these human rights; they ought not to act selfishly. They ought always to respect the rights of other. It is important for a man to remember this, wherever they live, whether in a town or in a village in a large or a small community, they ought not to behave thoughtlessly. The happiness of a community depends on the behavior of its individual members. It is every citizen’s responsibility to give as well as to receive.
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