Women in this world

Women in this world
To day women in playing a important role in all spheres of life. They are no longer restricted with in the four wall of their parents and husbands house. They have come out of the kitchens and are working hand in hand with men in all the development programs of the government. By receiving higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrator etc. They have been able to prove their worth. They are contributing much to the economy of the country. Now it has become to the realization of the men that true development of the country is never possible keeping half of the population idle at home. So its need to telling that woman is playing a great role in the socio economic conditions all over the world. The reason of women’s participation in various activities is for the gradual realization of the need for financial independence. Most women work because their incomes are needed to supplement their husband’s earnings in order to meet the growing costs of living.
The financial pressures of children’s education, accommodation and day-to-day expenses have become so high that many families actually welcome the added income. The women are the main bread wieners. Which their earning power, women have found greater respect in society and hence greater role in decision making. There of course still a long way to cross before women are able to discover their full potentiality in the job market. Lack of security and specialized facilities such as day-care in addition to deep-rooted male selfishness. As development countries and society evolves the number of women entering the work force will increase. For a developing country like Bangladesh, Botan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and many countries to go is forward, with women comprising one of the strongest services to develop.
So in this purpose we should educate our women’s and training them to increasing their skilled. Government should take many steps to in creasing women rights. Known them their rights.

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