Travel in Bandarban of Bangladesh

Travel in bandarban of Bangladesh
Bandarban is one of the district Bangladesh. These districts have a natural beauty. Bandarban district have a lot of hills. These hills are look nice and bandarban natural environment charmed you.
Bandarban town is a nice town.
Fame golden temple is another site of bandarban it was about of half an hour’s ride from the town past the army campus and bandarban cantonment. Bandarban has a troubled history. It suffered through three decades of insurgency till the peace accord was singed in 1997, and is currently in a state of uncertain expectancy as the implementation of the accord continues to move, if at all, at a snail’s pace. There is a heavy military presence testifying to the battle fatigued history throughout the area. The cantonment situated on the outskirts of Bandarban is one of the most picturesque and beautiful I have ever seen. It is clean and organized settlements are ensconced in the midst of hills that rise up all around like natural wall of fortification.
The golden temple is absolutely spectacular it stands high atop like a golden crown on the head of the hill. Getting up its stairway is like a marathon.
Magla Park is nice and big place to reaction.
There life is struggle life. The marma cultivate on hillside primitive method. Their house built on the hill. They collect water from the canal under the hill. They carry this water on their house.
But it is so difficult.
These hills are accepting a new shape in different seasons. The winter is a one shape, spring is another shape.
You can go to bandarban. You go by a bus. Different bus transport
Service is available from Dhaka such as S. ALAM, SOUDIA, HANIF, SHAYMOLI,
You can stay in hotel royal. It is very popular in Bandarban

Nobel Prize Konwledge

Nobel prize knowledge

Nobel prizes are awarded every year for outstanding contribution achievement in the fields of science, literature, and for promoting world peace. Ender this prizewinner gets a gold medal, a certificate and large sum of money.
The Nobel Prize is the world’s most important prize. This is given to persons with most outstanding contributions in six fields, namely, physics, chemistry, literature, Physiology or medicine, peace and economics. Economics was added in the list in 1969 the first time. One prize is awarded in each field. If there is more than one recipient of the prize in one ield, the prize money is equally divided amongst all the winners.
A man instituted the prize. Who was the inventor of the science of destruction. This scientist was Alfred Bernard Nobel. He was born in Stockholm on 21st October 1833 and he died on 10th December 1896. Though he was a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in Russia. He invented dynamic. This material is widely used for breaking rocks, digging petrol wells and in wars. For his valuable discovery, Nobel became famous all over the world. He earned huge sum of money from selling it. At the time of his death in 1896, he left behind a fabulous sum of 90,00,000 dollars. He left a will indicating that the interest on this money should be given as prizes to person for their outstanding contributions to physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. This prize was named as Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was given to Rontgen on 10th December 1901 for his outstanding research in X-rays. The prize money was 40,000 dollars. The winners of this prize are treated with great respect to all.
There is some information of Nobel Prize:
Time of Novel prize giving: Novel prize is giving Nobel death date (10th December to, peace sector) city of Oslo in Norway, and another prize is gives city of stockhome in Sweden. When Alfred was born Norway and Sweden is a union.
Which thins are gives winners: Every winners get a gold medal, one diploma certificate and cash money. The Amount of money is 1.4 million $ dollars or 10 million Swedish corners.

History of money

History of money

Money is an important thing of our life. But its history is known all of the men. We can try to known you its history.

Money has always fascinated mankind from the time of Aristotle to the present day. Aristotle observed that man is social being and establish certain norms and regulations for their social interaction. Men employed money as a mode of exchange to facilitate such social dealings from their economical aspect.
In the primitive societies, when people wanted to buy anything they had to give something else in exchange for it. For example, if a potter wanted to buy rice from a farmer, he offered him earthenware pots in exchange. The farmer would accept them because the needed pots. This was called the barter system could not meet the growing demands of a convenient exchange system for buying and selling. People started using token or symbolic goods in exchange all over the world. American Indians used beads of shells. Fijians used whales teeth and North American used tobacco in their exchange system. The Roman army men where provided slat for their services.
As per the available sources, the earliest coins date back to about 700 B.C. When stamped pieces of metal were used as a medium of exchange by Lydians who lived in Asia. Coins were preferred because they were easy to carry and durable. Coins where mostly made of gold, silver and copper because the were precious and durable. People accept a coin or currency in payment not because they value the coin itself but because they have confidence in the authority that has issued them. As coins are heavy and bulky so larger payments are in paper money issued by the proper legal authory.
So you can imagine the money history. At this moment we use the money system is not easy able to fast. Day by day it increases is important and use ness.


Globalization is basically an economic concept. It has evolved from late capitalism. Globalization aims at globalizing capital and goods. That is globalization is a process of expanding trade and commerce increasing the flow of capital and commodities all over the world by crating a borderless market.
Globalization is now on a strong foundation. The development of hi-tech communication system and rapid transportation facilities has turned the world into a village. Popularly termed as global village.
The countries of the world are now like families in a village. The barrier of land and space has been removed. As a result, we can now learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. We can also travel to any part of the world in the shortest time. We can reach any where of the world use some instruments, such as computer, mobile and satellite networks, internet and other information technology has brought the whole world in our drawing room of office room.
Globalization has increased trade, and commerce, flow of capital money, investment, movement of people and workers all over the world. Globalization has opened up a new horizon of tremendous possibilities for the nations of the world. Countries of the world are very closer to each other. They can share views and ideas knowledge, information technology by use social networking site such as fecebook, twitter, and etc. the event can stand by the distressed nations instantly. The process of globalization has made the whole word a free and huge market of goods and services.
Nothing is an unmixed blessing. Globalization has a far-reaching and profound impact on many aspects of life. Globalization has challenged and risked traditional notion. It has been claimed that globalization widening the gap between rich and poor between develop and developing countries are no match for industrially developed, technology advanced, powerful nations. Globalization aims as widening market for capital and goods, but at the same time it ensures maximum profit for the capitalists and investors. In this case, the poor and underdeveloped nations are lagging behind in the competition of market.
Capital does not flow alone. With capital and goods, ideas and value, culture and power all move. Thus, globalization is now being seen as a cultural and ideological assault on the developing nations. Critics of globalization assert that globalization has ended racial.
So it’s a very bed effects for humanities, we can use globalization for wealth of humanity. In fact we cannot use proper. it's our shame.


Green house effect
In the modern time green hose effect is most environment problem.
There are many causes green house effect. The destruction and cutting down of topical rain forests, vehicles that clog up city streets, the rapid growth of population. The use of chlorofluorocarbons in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents, such as washing powder and washing-up-liquid and various kinds of environmental pollutions are the causes of green house effect. Carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons also cause green house effect.
The effects of greenhouse are too many to be described. Its effect is very devastating and destructive. Their effect is a dangerous threat to our existence and to animal and plant lives. Climatologists
Predict that by midway through the next century temperatures may have risen by a much as 4-degree salacious. This could seriously reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland.
Bangladesh is very much vulnerable to frequent natural disasters. Annual visitations of cyclones and floods are routine but nonetheless sudden and fatal in their wild rage. The yearly damages the leaves behind are enormous. However our people are accustomed to cyclones and floods. But another creeping disaster is gathering in fury is the green house erect for which the people are not prepared at all and the state appears to be taking no notice. It is the danger of rising sea level from the green house-effect. It can wipe away about one third of our land and spell disaster for the ecological balance of the entire country.
People should be encourage to palent trees more instead of cutting down trees indiscriminately. It is a sacred duty of all human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. To make life healthy and comfortable we should keep the environment clean and free from all kinds of population’s. Mills, factories, brickfields should be set up in a planned way. Alarming rate of population growth should be checked. Vehicles should be brought under control so that they might not produce deafening sound and emit thick pall of black smoke and create traffic clogging.
For our survival, we can careful our environment pollution, create awareness of the people evil of environment pollution.