Agriculture university of Bangladesh

Bangladesh agriculture university
Mymensingh-2202 p A b X

There are 6 faculty is available such as 1) vat nary faculty, 2) Agriculture faculty , 3) Animals faculty, 4) Agri economics, 5) Agri engineering and technical faculty, 6) Fisheries faculty
Faculty wary department:

Faculty name
numbers of department
vat nary faculty
Agriculture faculty
Animals faculty
Agri economics
Agri engineering and technical faculty
Fisheries faculty
Conditions: SSC and HSC total GPA 6.5 without additional subject . SSC and HSC every exam separately obtain GPA 3 without additional subject. Applicant must be SSC and HSC booth exam in this subjects physics, chemistry, Math, Biology, English obtain minimum GPA 2. Madrasa students are not admitted in this university.
Total seats: 850.
Hostel: There are 11 hostel in this university. Among them 9 boys hostel and 2 girls hostel.
99% students get hostel facilities .

Sylhet agriculture university
The university situated 6 km away from the sylhet city.

Faculty name and number of seats:
There are fore faculty and total seats 250. 1) vet nary and animal science faculty, 2) Agri faculty, 3) Fisheries faculty, 4) Agri economics.
Conditions: SSC and HSC total GPA 6.5 With out additional subjects. SSC and HSC every exam separately obtain GPA 3 without additional subjects. Applicant must be SSC and HSC booth exam in this subjects physics, chemistry, Math, Biology, obtain minimum GPA 3.00 and English GPA 2.00.
Exam system: According to HSC , physic 20, zoology 20, Chemistry 20, Math 10, English 10. Total 100 marks MCQ system exam.
Special subject: Tree production and technology, Coastal and merin fisheries, Fish health management.
Hostel: There are three boys hostel and one girls hostel.

Shar-e bangla agriculture university
Shar-e bangla nagor, Dahka-1207, Phone: 02-91442709

Ther are two faculty, 1) Agriculture (350), 2) Agri business (150).
Conditions: Science background students SSC and HSC total GPA 7.50. Separately SSC and HSC GPA minimum 3.50. Minimum GPA in English 3.00.
Exam system: Total 200 marks admission test. 100 marks SSC and HSC result. In the exam test physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, 20 marks question and English and general knowledge 10 marks. Total 100 MCQ question.
Hostel: There are 4 hostel, among them 3 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel.

Bangabandu shek mugibir rahman agriculture university
Salna, Gazipur.Phone 02-9205323

Faculty: Two faculty is available in this university. such as 1) Agri faculty , 2) Fisheries faculty
COnditions: Science background students SSC and HSC total GPA 7.50. SSC and HSC every exam minimum GPA 3.50.

Exam system:Total 200 marks admission test. 100 marks SSC and HSC result. In the exam test physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, 20 marks question and English and general knowledge 10 marks. Total 100 MCQ question.
Hostel: Three hostel are available in this university

Engineering university of Bangladesh

Chittagong university of engineering and technology (CUET)
chittagong, Phone:31-71439460-
Three faculty are available in this university, Engineering , Electronic and computer science, Architecture and planning.
Under graduate degree: Bsc in mechanical engineering, Bsc in electronics and electronic engineering, Computer science and engineering, Architecture, Urban and rural planning.
Exam system: physics 200, Chemistry 200, Math 200, English 100 , total 700 marks. individual subjects are 50% written and 50% multiple choice question.
Hostel: There are 4 boys and 1 girls hostel. All the students are facility to hostel.

Dhaka university of engineer and technology (DUET)
Gazipur, Dhaka . Phone:02-9204734, MObile:01711-

There are three faculty such as , Electrical and electronic engineering, Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering.
Electrical and electronic engineering: Electrical and electronic engineering, Computer science and engineering,
Civil engineering: Civil engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
Mechanical engineering: Mechanical engineering , Textile engineering.
Conditions: SSC minimum GpA 2.80. Which is the diploma engineer under the technical board CGPA minimum2.75.
Admission test: Physics 40, Chemistry40, Math 40,English 40. Technical subjects 150. Total 300 marks.
Hostel: There are 4 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel.

Rajshahi university of engineering and technology (RUET)
There are two faculty 1) Civil engineering 2) Electric and computer science engineering.
Department: Civil engineering , Mechanical engineering , Electrical and electronic engineering, Electric and Computer science engineering, Tele communication engineering, industrial production engineering, Glass and ceramics.
Conditions: Obtain GPA 5. and physic chemistry and math total point 17.

Admission test: 20 marks mcq and 80 marks written. written exam 20 math, english20,Physics20,Chemistry 20.
Hostel: there are 4 hostel for boys and 1 hostel for girls.

university of Bangladesh

public university
Dhaka university
There are 13 faculty and 8 institute.
A -unite
Science faculty: Physics(140), Math(175), Chemistry(90), Statistics, information statistics(104), Applied statistics(50), Information and technology institute(30) Total 589 students are admitted there.
Biology faculty: soil science(75), Botany(75), Zoology(90), physicology(95), Micro biology(35), Fisheries((25),zenitixenginiering and biotechnology(10), Food science(30), Total 495 student are admitted there.
Farmecy faculty:There are 60 students admitted.
Earth and environmental science faculty:Geography(110), soil information(butatta) (50).There are 160 students are admitted.
Engineering and technology faculty: applied physics, computer science and engineering(70), Applied chemistry(60), electronic and communication engineering(70). There are 190 students are admitted.
Arts faculty
:Bangla(132), English(150), Arabic(115), Frances literature(76), Urdu(80), Sonskrit(71), puli and buddsh studies(90), History(125), Physocology(191), Islamic studies(115), Islamic history(140), Information science and library management(75), Language science(90)
Social science faculty:Economics(128), Political science(250), Anthrophology(55), Journalism(66), Social science(240), Public administration(100), International relation(77), Women and gender studies(35), Social work(115),
law faculty: law(150)
B.B.A faculty:
Management studies(175), Accounting and information system(175), Marketing(175), Banking(87), Management and information system(65), Tourism and hospitality management(75), International business(75).
(IBA)B.B.A:There are 90 student admitted.
Institute of education resarch(I.E.R):There are 150 students are admitted

Rajshahi university

There are 9 faculty and 49 subjects are available

Arts faculty: A - unite: phylpsopy(300), English(100), History(300), Bangla(100), Islamic history, Urdu,Farsi, Arabic, Islamic studies(100),

law faculty: B-unite: there are 100 students are admitted in this faculty.

Science faculty: c-unite: Mathematics(75), Physics(90), Chemistry(75), Statistics(40), Applied chemistry(50), Pharmacy(40), Population science and human recourse development(40), Applied mathematics(75),

B.B.A faculty :unite- d: Accounting and information system(100), Management(100), Marketing(100), Finance(100).

social science faculty: E- unite: Economics(100), Political science(100), Social work(100), Social science(100), Journalism(45), Information science and library management(60), Public administration(100), Anthropology(50).

Life and soil science faculty: F - unite: Geography(75), Physicology(65), Zeology(100), Botany(100),

Agri faculty: G -unite: Genetics enginering and biotechnology(40), Agri economy and agricultural extension(15), Fisheries(50), Animal husbandry and vatanary science(15), crops science technology(15),

Technology faculty: H -unite: Applied physics and electronic engineering(50), Applied chemistry and chemical technology(50), Computer science and engineering(30), Information and communication engineering(20), Material science and technology (25).

Hostel:There are 11 boyes hostel and 5 girls hostel.

Jahangir nagor university

There are two institute and five faculty

Mathematics and physics faculty: Koo- unite:

1) computer science and engineering, 2) mathematics, 3) Physics, statics, soil science , chyemistry, environment science.

Social science faculty: Kha- unite: Economics, Urban planing, Anthropology, Geography, Government and polotics, publicadministration.

Arts faculty: ga -unite: International relation, english, History, Phylosopy, Banla,

Biology faculty: Gha -unite: Botany, Zeology, Farmecy, Microbiology.

B.B.A. faculty: umo _unite: Finance and banking, Marketing

condition: There are various condition in the saperate department.

Sodorgath Dakha(02-7174907)
There are four faculty such as , science , arts, business studies , social science.
Science faculty: A- unite: physics(100), Chemistry(70), Mathematics,(80), Zeology(80), Statistics(100), Geography(100), Physicology(90), Computr science and engineering(30), Micro biology(15), Farmecy(15).
Arts faculty: B-unite:Bangla, English, History, Islamic history, Islamic studies, Phylosopy, Law.
B.B.A. faculty: C -unite:Accountin and information system, Management, Marketing, Finance.
Social science faculty: D - unite: Economics, Social science, Social work, Political science, Anthropology, Journalisum.

Science faculty: ko(A)- unite:Physics(119), Chemistry(119), cse(63), Applied physics((50), Electronic and communication engineering(50).

Arts faculty: kha(B) -unite:Bangla(119), English(119), History(119), Phylosopy(119), Isclmic history(130), Arabic(95),
B.B.A. faculty:Ga(C)-unite: Accounting and information(119), Management stdies(119), Finance(119), Banking, Markating(119), International marketing(119).
Social science faculty: Gha(D) _unite:Ecnomics(136), Political science(136), Social theory(136), Journalisum(53), International relation(50), Anthropology(63).
Law faculty:Umo-Unite:There are 119 students are admitted.
Foresty institute: Ca -Unite:Foresty(44), Environment science(27).
Merin science and fisheris: Cha-unite:There are 53 students are admitted
Biology faculty: jo- Unite: Botany(97), Zeology(97), Micro biology(35), Soil science(35), Geography(40), Genetics and biotechonology(28), Physicology(33
there are 6 boyes hostel and 3 girls hostel and 1 foresty hostel . 4200 students are hostel opportunity.

Islami University


There are 5 faculty and 22 departmet in the university.

Religion theory and islamic studies faculty: Al-Quran and islamic studies, Al-hadis and islamic studies, Dawa and islamic studies.

Arts and social science faculty: Economics, Arabic. Bangla, Islamic history, English, Political science , Public administration.

Sharia faculty :law of muslim bidan, Al-fiq.

B.B.A. faculty: Accounting and information system, Management, Finance and Banking.

Thechnology faculty: Applied physics, Electronic and communication engineering, Applied chemistry and chemicl technology, Biotechnology and genetics engineering, Food technology, Math , Statistics.

Conditions:Tere are different conditions every faculty .

Admition test: McQ or written or booth system to admiton test.

Hostel: There are 6 hostel in the university. 4 boyes hostel and 2 girls hostel.

Transport: university have a 40 vehecals. Every day the vehecals go to kustia and gnidaha city from campus to bring students.

Begum Rukeya University

Rungpur(phone: 0521_66731)

There are 3 faculty and 11 department.

Arts and social science faculty: Bangla, English, Economics, History.

Science and technology faculty: Computer science and engineering, Statistics, Geography.

B.B.A. faculty: Accounting and information system, Marketing, Management.

Jatiya kabi kazi nazrul islam university

Thrisal ,Mymensingh.

There are four faculty is avilable.

Arts faculty: Bangl, English,

Social science faculty: Economics.

Science faculty: computer science and engineering.

B.B.A. faculty:Accounting and information system, Finance and banking.

Conditions: Every year department to department conditions are change.

Hostel: There are two hostel are avilable for the students, one boys and one girls.

Transportation: every dayes three buses are goes to campus from mymensing city.

Khulna university

(Gallamari, Khulna(besides the khulna shatkira highway road)

Phone 041-721791

There are five faculty and eightin department and one institute are avilable.

science and technology school: Archetechar, Urban and rural planing, CSE, ECE, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.

Boiology faculty: foresty and wood technology, Fisheris and merin resource, Boiotechnology and genetics engineering, Agrotechnology, Environment science, Farmecy, Soil science.

Business studies school: business studies decipline.

Arts school:English.

Social science school:Economics, sociology.

Shajalal university of science and technology

Aklaia,besides the sylhet shonamgong road
There are six school and 25 departments.
school wary department
School of agricultural and mineral science: Forestry and environmental science

School of applied science: Architecture, Chemical engineering and polymer science, Civil and environmental engineering , Industrial science and engineering, Petroleum and geo-resource engineering, Food and tree technology.

School of lief science: Genetics engineering and boiotechnology.

School of physical science: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics,

School of management and business administration: B.B.A. There are ninty students are admitted.

School of social science: Anthropology, Bagla, Economics, English, Political studies, Public administration, Social science, Social work.

Admition test: Admition test will be held unite system. unite such as ko, kho unite.

Conditions: Every year university pulished a asvertisement in the national news paper for admittion.

Hotel: There are two boys hostel and one girls hostel. Which is the students do not get a seat in the hostel the university manage their hostage.

Josore science and technology university
Ambottola, josore. phone:0421-62038

There are three faculty and nine department.
Engineering and technology faculty:
computer science and engineering,
Industrial production engineering, petroleum and mining engineering.
Biological science faculty: Microbiology, Fisheries and aqua cultural, DNA engineering and technology.
Applied science faculty: Environment science and health management, Applied chemistry and chemical technology, Food technology and nutrition science, Pharmacy.

Total 390 students are admitted , among them vitamin and food science, Petroleum and mining engineering, Industrial production engineering department are admitted 30 students each department .Another each department admitted students 50.
Conditions: SSC and HSC booth exam total GPA 7 .Every exam separately obtain minimum 3 points. Admission test will be held 2 unite, 3 department are included engineering and technology faculty, Ko – unite included Environment and science department and another 5 department are included KHO – unite .
Exam system multiple choice question ( mcq).

Moulana vasani science and technology university
Sontos tanggail , Phone 0921-55399

Faculty: There are two faculty such as computer science and life science
Computer science faculty:
Computer science and engineering, Information and communication technology, Textile engineering.
Life science faculty: Environment science, criminal science, Biotechnology and genetics engineering, Food technology and nutrition science.
Conditions: SSC and HSC booth exam minimum GPA 3.5.
Exam system: Exam will be held two faculty separately. 120 numbers questions in this subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English. In fact physics and math total obtain 40 marks for life science .
Hostel: 3 hostel for boys and 1 hostel for girls .

pabna university of science and technology
Government teachers training college, Rajpur, Pabna.

Science faculty: Mathematics, Physics.
Engineering and technology faculty: computer science and engineering, Applied Physics, Electrical and communication engineering, Information and communication engineering .
Business studies faculty: Business administration.
Social science faculty: Economics.
Conditions: SSC and HSC GpA total 6. and saperately minimum 2.5 in booth examination.

Hazi mohammad Danesh science and technology university
dinajpur, Bangladesh.Phone: 0531-65429
There are 6 faculty such as Agricultural, Computer science and engineering, Business studies, Fisheries, Agro industrial, Food processing engineering, vet nary and animal science.
there are 32 department under the 6 faculty.
Conditions: SSC and HSC every subjects minimum GPA 3 and total GPA 6.5 with ought additional subject.
Special subjects: Agricultural and bioresearch engineering, Telecommunication and electric engineering.
Hostel: There are 4 boys and 1 girls hostel.

Blood information

blood purches and sels are bend by law.At any time you need blood.So you go to blood bank to collect blood any other . first you know that this bank is legal. 116 government and 37 non government institution accross the country.
you must avoid profession blood donner.when you collect blood in this time you should approve that that blood are free from infection.
Dhaka Blood Information
(1)Apllo hospital -81,blook-e,bosundora Aha/a
(2)Lab aid blood bank
(3)Squre Hospital
18/F,west phantha pat
(4)City Hospital ltd
(5)United Hospital ltd


Apllo hospital-01714-090004
lab aid hospital-01713-30088
squre hospital 01713 37777,01713 377775
day night ambulance service 02 9123073, 02-8122041
Ad din ambulance service 02-9362929
Alif ambulance -02-8117576
Anjuman-E-mofidul islam-02-9336611, 02-7411660
Shishu hospital-02-8116062,8116061
Sir, Sholimulla hospital-02-7319002---6
Shohid shorawardi hospital-02-9130800
National heart institute-02-9122560---72
This ambulance service center are take some money and give service.