Travel in Bandarban of Bangladesh

Travel in bandarban of Bangladesh
Bandarban is one of the district Bangladesh. These districts have a natural beauty. Bandarban district have a lot of hills. These hills are look nice and bandarban natural environment charmed you.
Bandarban town is a nice town.
Fame golden temple is another site of bandarban it was about of half an hour’s ride from the town past the army campus and bandarban cantonment. Bandarban has a troubled history. It suffered through three decades of insurgency till the peace accord was singed in 1997, and is currently in a state of uncertain expectancy as the implementation of the accord continues to move, if at all, at a snail’s pace. There is a heavy military presence testifying to the battle fatigued history throughout the area. The cantonment situated on the outskirts of Bandarban is one of the most picturesque and beautiful I have ever seen. It is clean and organized settlements are ensconced in the midst of hills that rise up all around like natural wall of fortification.
The golden temple is absolutely spectacular it stands high atop like a golden crown on the head of the hill. Getting up its stairway is like a marathon.
Magla Park is nice and big place to reaction.
There life is struggle life. The marma cultivate on hillside primitive method. Their house built on the hill. They collect water from the canal under the hill. They carry this water on their house.
But it is so difficult.
These hills are accepting a new shape in different seasons. The winter is a one shape, spring is another shape.
You can go to bandarban. You go by a bus. Different bus transport
Service is available from Dhaka such as S. ALAM, SOUDIA, HANIF, SHAYMOLI,
You can stay in hotel royal. It is very popular in Bandarban

Nobel Prize Konwledge

Nobel prize knowledge

Nobel prizes are awarded every year for outstanding contribution achievement in the fields of science, literature, and for promoting world peace. Ender this prizewinner gets a gold medal, a certificate and large sum of money.
The Nobel Prize is the world’s most important prize. This is given to persons with most outstanding contributions in six fields, namely, physics, chemistry, literature, Physiology or medicine, peace and economics. Economics was added in the list in 1969 the first time. One prize is awarded in each field. If there is more than one recipient of the prize in one ield, the prize money is equally divided amongst all the winners.
A man instituted the prize. Who was the inventor of the science of destruction. This scientist was Alfred Bernard Nobel. He was born in Stockholm on 21st October 1833 and he died on 10th December 1896. Though he was a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in Russia. He invented dynamic. This material is widely used for breaking rocks, digging petrol wells and in wars. For his valuable discovery, Nobel became famous all over the world. He earned huge sum of money from selling it. At the time of his death in 1896, he left behind a fabulous sum of 90,00,000 dollars. He left a will indicating that the interest on this money should be given as prizes to person for their outstanding contributions to physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. This prize was named as Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was given to Rontgen on 10th December 1901 for his outstanding research in X-rays. The prize money was 40,000 dollars. The winners of this prize are treated with great respect to all.
There is some information of Nobel Prize:
Time of Novel prize giving: Novel prize is giving Nobel death date (10th December to, peace sector) city of Oslo in Norway, and another prize is gives city of stockhome in Sweden. When Alfred was born Norway and Sweden is a union.
Which thins are gives winners: Every winners get a gold medal, one diploma certificate and cash money. The Amount of money is 1.4 million $ dollars or 10 million Swedish corners.

History of money

History of money

Money is an important thing of our life. But its history is known all of the men. We can try to known you its history.

Money has always fascinated mankind from the time of Aristotle to the present day. Aristotle observed that man is social being and establish certain norms and regulations for their social interaction. Men employed money as a mode of exchange to facilitate such social dealings from their economical aspect.
In the primitive societies, when people wanted to buy anything they had to give something else in exchange for it. For example, if a potter wanted to buy rice from a farmer, he offered him earthenware pots in exchange. The farmer would accept them because the needed pots. This was called the barter system could not meet the growing demands of a convenient exchange system for buying and selling. People started using token or symbolic goods in exchange all over the world. American Indians used beads of shells. Fijians used whales teeth and North American used tobacco in their exchange system. The Roman army men where provided slat for their services.
As per the available sources, the earliest coins date back to about 700 B.C. When stamped pieces of metal were used as a medium of exchange by Lydians who lived in Asia. Coins were preferred because they were easy to carry and durable. Coins where mostly made of gold, silver and copper because the were precious and durable. People accept a coin or currency in payment not because they value the coin itself but because they have confidence in the authority that has issued them. As coins are heavy and bulky so larger payments are in paper money issued by the proper legal authory.
So you can imagine the money history. At this moment we use the money system is not easy able to fast. Day by day it increases is important and use ness.


Globalization is basically an economic concept. It has evolved from late capitalism. Globalization aims at globalizing capital and goods. That is globalization is a process of expanding trade and commerce increasing the flow of capital and commodities all over the world by crating a borderless market.
Globalization is now on a strong foundation. The development of hi-tech communication system and rapid transportation facilities has turned the world into a village. Popularly termed as global village.
The countries of the world are now like families in a village. The barrier of land and space has been removed. As a result, we can now learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. We can also travel to any part of the world in the shortest time. We can reach any where of the world use some instruments, such as computer, mobile and satellite networks, internet and other information technology has brought the whole world in our drawing room of office room.
Globalization has increased trade, and commerce, flow of capital money, investment, movement of people and workers all over the world. Globalization has opened up a new horizon of tremendous possibilities for the nations of the world. Countries of the world are very closer to each other. They can share views and ideas knowledge, information technology by use social networking site such as fecebook, twitter, and etc. the event can stand by the distressed nations instantly. The process of globalization has made the whole word a free and huge market of goods and services.
Nothing is an unmixed blessing. Globalization has a far-reaching and profound impact on many aspects of life. Globalization has challenged and risked traditional notion. It has been claimed that globalization widening the gap between rich and poor between develop and developing countries are no match for industrially developed, technology advanced, powerful nations. Globalization aims as widening market for capital and goods, but at the same time it ensures maximum profit for the capitalists and investors. In this case, the poor and underdeveloped nations are lagging behind in the competition of market.
Capital does not flow alone. With capital and goods, ideas and value, culture and power all move. Thus, globalization is now being seen as a cultural and ideological assault on the developing nations. Critics of globalization assert that globalization has ended racial.
So it’s a very bed effects for humanities, we can use globalization for wealth of humanity. In fact we cannot use proper. it's our shame.


Green house effect
In the modern time green hose effect is most environment problem.
There are many causes green house effect. The destruction and cutting down of topical rain forests, vehicles that clog up city streets, the rapid growth of population. The use of chlorofluorocarbons in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents, such as washing powder and washing-up-liquid and various kinds of environmental pollutions are the causes of green house effect. Carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons also cause green house effect.
The effects of greenhouse are too many to be described. Its effect is very devastating and destructive. Their effect is a dangerous threat to our existence and to animal and plant lives. Climatologists
Predict that by midway through the next century temperatures may have risen by a much as 4-degree salacious. This could seriously reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland.
Bangladesh is very much vulnerable to frequent natural disasters. Annual visitations of cyclones and floods are routine but nonetheless sudden and fatal in their wild rage. The yearly damages the leaves behind are enormous. However our people are accustomed to cyclones and floods. But another creeping disaster is gathering in fury is the green house erect for which the people are not prepared at all and the state appears to be taking no notice. It is the danger of rising sea level from the green house-effect. It can wipe away about one third of our land and spell disaster for the ecological balance of the entire country.
People should be encourage to palent trees more instead of cutting down trees indiscriminately. It is a sacred duty of all human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. To make life healthy and comfortable we should keep the environment clean and free from all kinds of population’s. Mills, factories, brickfields should be set up in a planned way. Alarming rate of population growth should be checked. Vehicles should be brought under control so that they might not produce deafening sound and emit thick pall of black smoke and create traffic clogging.
For our survival, we can careful our environment pollution, create awareness of the people evil of environment pollution.


Democracy is commonly defined as ‘‘Government of the people by the people and for the people”. The term is wide and may, in fact, be applied to any scheme of government in which the people are allowed to take part, in some form or other, not as a matter of grace but as a matter of right. Whatever may be the method of ensuring popular participation? Some kind of mandatory arrangement by which people can take part in the highest legislative and policy-framing bodies constitutes the essence of democracy.
Generally speaking, two broad-based essentials are necessary for the working of democracy. Firstly, a constitution, preferably written, must exist to regulate the legislative and executive functions of the government. Secondly, election to the law-making body or system. Other conditions, essential but not indispensable, are a well-organized party system, freedom of expression and fair degree of literacy among the masses.
Born out of the ruins of autocracy, with the message of equality and liberty, democracy was hailed all over the world as the guardian of popular rights and interests and enjoy a prosperous career till the beginning of the second quarter of the 20th century when it faced its first challenge from fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany going by the name national socialism, both of which were, in essence, refined types of dictatorship, their apparent advantages over democracy and their initial achievements in the economic sphere shakened popular faith in popular government. The fate and future of democracy kept hanging in the balance until at last the Second World War ended in the defeat of the Axis powers, thus stamping out from the face of the earth the last vestiges of dictatorship. But the horizon of democracy is still cloudy, as a new rival has appeared after the Second World War. It is Marxian socialism, headed by soviet Russia, one of the mightiest powers of the world to day.
The primary reason of democracy facing repeated challenge lies rotted in the very system itself. It has certain inherent weaknesses that weaken popular faith in it whenever they find any other system free from them. The challenge from dictatorship arose because democracy is weak in decision and slow in action while the former was able to provide strong government, quick decision and prompt execution. Its new rival, Marxism possesses all the good traits of dictatorship and combines something more, namely, economic security which democracy theoretically stands for. Marxism, being based on a strictly socialistic economy, provides for the satisfaction of the basic needs of every citizen by way of giving employment to all, while democracy, having to bear the crushing burden of capitalism, is associated with large-scale unemployed of the people and the means of existence. The only superiority that democracies yet possess over Marxism is the perfect freedom of expression, which under the latter is drastically curtailed. But this alone cannot fortify democracy beyond the approach of danger.
Truly speaking, democracy has not yet failed utterly but may in future share the fate of tits predecessors, if it not recast to suit the needs of time. Since the birth of organized society, man has been changing government after government in quest of the security of his first right-the right to life. This holds the key to the ultimate success or failure of democracy as well. If democracy can not solve satisfactorily his pressing problems of bread and butter, it is only natural that he will substitute it by any other system promising the same, to-day or two says later. In that event, no good will result from holding before him the high ideals of democracy, its spiritual height, its moral basis or its recognition of human value.
So democracy is good things for the new generation. It is important media to change government and preserve human rights.

Human behavior

Human behavior
Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act, as they like. No one however, can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests of others as well as his own interests. Society means a group of people with the same laws and same way to life. People in society many may make their own decisions but these decision ought not to be unjust or harmful to others. One man’s decisions may easily harm another people. For example, a motorist may be in a hurry to get to his friend’s house. He sets out, driving at full speed like a competition in a motor race. There are other vehicles and also pedestrians on the road. Suddenly there is crash. There are screams and confusion. One careless motorist has struck another car. The collision has injured two people and killed the fourth. Too many road accidents happen through the thoughtlessness, of selfish drivers.
All the countries have a government, the police and the law magistrates to prevent or to punish these miscreants’ acts. But in addition, all men ought to observe certain rules and conduct. Every man ought to behave with consideration of other men. He ought not seal to cheat or destroy property of others. There is no place for this short or behavior in a civilize society.
Men in a free society have a certain human rights. The government and the police do not watch all their movements. Officials do not dictate to them everything they may or may not do. Men in free society may think as they please. They may even choose their won government in return for these human rights; they ought not to act selfishly. They ought always to respect the rights of other. It is important for a man to remember this, wherever they live, whether in a town or in a village in a large or a small community, they ought not to behave thoughtlessly. The happiness of a community depends on the behavior of its individual members. It is every citizen’s responsibility to give as well as to receive.

Women in this world

Women in this world
To day women in playing a important role in all spheres of life. They are no longer restricted with in the four wall of their parents and husbands house. They have come out of the kitchens and are working hand in hand with men in all the development programs of the government. By receiving higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrator etc. They have been able to prove their worth. They are contributing much to the economy of the country. Now it has become to the realization of the men that true development of the country is never possible keeping half of the population idle at home. So its need to telling that woman is playing a great role in the socio economic conditions all over the world. The reason of women’s participation in various activities is for the gradual realization of the need for financial independence. Most women work because their incomes are needed to supplement their husband’s earnings in order to meet the growing costs of living.
The financial pressures of children’s education, accommodation and day-to-day expenses have become so high that many families actually welcome the added income. The women are the main bread wieners. Which their earning power, women have found greater respect in society and hence greater role in decision making. There of course still a long way to cross before women are able to discover their full potentiality in the job market. Lack of security and specialized facilities such as day-care in addition to deep-rooted male selfishness. As development countries and society evolves the number of women entering the work force will increase. For a developing country like Bangladesh, Botan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and many countries to go is forward, with women comprising one of the strongest services to develop.
So in this purpose we should educate our women’s and training them to increasing their skilled. Government should take many steps to in creasing women rights. Known them their rights.

Flowers of Bangladesh

Flowers of Bangladesh
Every body loves flowers. A flower is a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty is joy forever.
Bangladesh is the darling of nature. She has decorated her darling child with various. Flowers are one of them. Bangladesh is a land of flowers and beauty. Flowers lend smell, beauty, charm and colour to the land. Various kinds of flower bloom all the year round.

There are different kinds of flowers. They differ in size, shape, colour, and smell. Some are red, some are yellow, some are green, some are white, some are pink, and some are multicolored. Some flowers are seasonal and some grow all the year round. Some flowers are scented and some are scentless.
The rose is the best of all flowers. It is the queen of flower. It grows everywhere in all seasons. People like the flower for its sweet scent and beauty.
Spring is the king of seasons. Colourful flowers bloom in this season. Krisna chura, palush and shimul are spring time flowers. They are red in colour and grow everywhere in Bangladesh. The champa is also a springtime flower. It is golden in colour.
The sheoli is the queen of autumn. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh. It is white in colour and looks very charming. Marigold is the flower of winter. It is of various colours, shapes and sizes. It is yellow and golden in colour and looks beautiful.
Some flowers bloom in water. The lotus and the lily grow in watery places. Its look very beautiful. Sapla is Bangladesh national flowers. It grows everywhere in plenty. It is white pink. Kalmi also grows in watery places.
The jui, Beli, Kamini are white flowers. The sun flower blooms in the rainy season. The Karabi, chameli, dalia, jasmine and many other flowers grow in Bangladesh.

Rivers of Bangladesh

Rivers of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a land of rivers. The health wealth and happiness of Bangladesh depend on her river. There are many big and small rivers. The padma, the Megna, the Jumana are the big and wide rivers. The Buriganga, the Sitalakshya, the Dhaloswari, the Testa, the Madhumati, the Gumati and the Karnafuli are small rivers. Most of the rivers Bangladesh rise from the Himalayas and fall into the bay of Bengal.
The rivers are the source of Bangladesh wealth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The prosperity of agriculture depends on the rivers. These rivers have made the soil fertile. So rice, jute, tea, and another crops grow in plenty here.
Bangladesh Rivers around with fish. Fish is an important wealth. Bangladeshi fishermen catch a huge quantity of fish and export to foreign countries. Thus they earn a lot of foreign exchange. Fish is Bangladesh main item of food.
The rivers of Bangladesh are the main ways of communication. Boats, launches and steamers move on these rivers in all seasons. Men and goods are carried from one town to another, from one part to another. All this is possible only for river communication.
Most of the cities, towns, industries, hats, bazaars, and trade-centers are on the bank of rivers. The productions of mills, factories, and industries are easily carried to different places through rivers. Raw materials from far and near can be carried easily to our industries. Thus Bangladesh Rivers help in commerce, trade and industry.
Some of Bangladesh Rivers are source of energy. This energy helps Bangladesh industries. Some of the rivers are used to produce electricity. Goalpara and Karnafuli hydro-electric project are used to solve electricity problems.
The rivers have a great influence on the people of Bangladesh. All love the rivers, its water and music. The rivers have use emotional and sentimental. Much Bangladeshi joys and happiness depend on rivers.
The rivers have influenced many Bangladeshi writers and poets. Many rivers have found expressions in the writings of Rabindgranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul islam, Michael Modhusudhan and Jasimuddin. Some of the Bengali novels have been named after our rivers: Padma nodir maji, and padma promatha.

Fruits of Bangladesh

Fruits of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. She has made her child rich with various fruits. Bangladesh soil is very fertile. So many kinds of fruits grow in different seasons all over the country. The fruits are not only tasteful and delicious but also rich in food value.
Every house of in Bangladesh grows various kinds of fruits.
Fruits are of different kinds, colours, sizes and taste. Some are big and some are small. Some taste sweet and some taste sour. Some are solid and some are juicy.
Mango is the king of fruits in Bangladesh. It is the fruits of summer season. There are many varieties of mangoes. They are langra, fazli, gopalbhog, mohanbhog, and etc. These mangoes are famous for taste, flavour and sweetness. Fazli is also famous for its size and sweet taste. Mangoes grow in plenty in Rajshahi, Dinajpur and bogra.
The jack fruit is the biggest fruit in Bangladesh. It is also a summer fruit. It is delicious and sweet to taste. It is green in colour but inside is yellow. It has a rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin the fruits are found to be composed of many flakes.
Each of the flakes contains a stone. Jackfruit grows in plenty in hilly areas of Chittagong and Sylhet and in the high land of Dhaka, Narsingdi, Mymensingh and Comilla. It is our national fruit.
The banana is another popular fruit in Bangladesh. It grows in plenty throughout the whole year in all parts of Bangladesh. There are many kinds of bananas such as the champa, the sabri, and the amritsagar. Amritsagar of Dhaka and sabri of mymensing are the best. Banana is delicious and nutritious. The green plaintain is eaten as vegetables. Banana has high demand throughout the year.
The coconut is another delicious fruit. It is a common fruit. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh but in plenty in the district of Khulna, Barisal, and patuakhali. Its sweets and cold water quenches our thirst in hot summer. Its kernel is a tasty food.
The pine apple is another good fruit. It is a fruit of rainy season. It grows in plenty in sylhet. It is full of sweet juice.
The lichi is another good fruit. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh but plenty in Rajshahi. It is very small. It is very sweet. The lichies of Rajshahi is famous. Children are fond of lichies.
The orange is another good fruit in Bangladesh. It is juicy and tasteful. The orange is good for liver. It grows mainly in the sylhet district. The papaw is also good fruit. It is delicious and nutritious. It is also good for liver. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh. The palm is also well known fruit in Bangladesh.
Among other fruits, black-berries, dates, plums, melons, and guava are very well known.
There are some fruits that test sour. They are called sour fruits. The tamarind, the kamranga and the lemon are sour fruits.
Fruits are useful in many ways. The fruits are not only sweet, delicious but also nutritious. Fruits meet up our demand for children vitamins. Many families in Bangladesh grow fruits and sell them in market and earn money. Some fruits are exported to foreign countries to earn money.

Birds of Bangladesh

Birds of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a beautiful country. It is a land of forests and trees, hills and vales, rivers, marshes and canals, wide open men dose. It has got a moderate climate neither to hot nor to cold. So this land is a happy abode of different kinds of birds. Birds have increased the beauty of Bangladesh. Sleep at night and rise early in the morning hearing the sweet song of different birds.
There are different types of birds in Bangladesh. They are different in colour, size and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh, some live on warms and insects, some on fruits and grains, some on filth and garbage’s. Birds are divided into many classes. They are teasing birds, song birds, rapacious birds, game birds, migratory birds and tailor birds.
Crows and kites are teasing birds. The crow is a very common bird in Bangladesh. It is very clever. It steals away the food and other small things from our kitchen and from the hands of the little babies. It looks ugly. Yet it is useful. It feeds on dead animals and dirty things. It has a harsh voice. The kite also steals away chickens, fish and pieces of flesh.
There many song birds in Bangladesh. The cuckoo is the most popular of all song birds. It comes to Bangladesh at the beginning of spring. Small boys and girls try to imitate a cuckoo when it sings. It hides itself behind leaves. The shyma, the doel, the koel, and the baukatha-kao, the nightingle are well known song birds. Doel is Bangladesh national birds.
The parrot, the mayna , the chandana, the cockatoo and the martin are called taking birds. People tame them their sweet voice and they can talk like human beings if they are trained.
There are many game birds in Bangladesh. They are famous for their tasty flesh. The partridge, the dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the bittern, the heron, the teal, and the pankauri are most well known game birds.
There are some fish and eating birds that live beside the watery places. They eat small fish. The crane, the heron and the kingfisher are fish eating birds.
There are some birds of prey in Bangladesh. They are the vulture and the hawk. They mainly live on flesh and flesh. These birds have keen eyes and sharps nail. They swoop down upon their prey. The vulture eats upon dead animals.
There are some birds that build their nests with great skill. We wonder at their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babui are tailor birds.
There are some birds that come out at night. They are called night birds. The owl and the bat are of this kind. These birds do not come out in broad daylight. We hear the owl prowl at night. It is harmless. The bat feeds on fruits. It flies at night.
Many birds come from foreign land in Bangladesh during autumn and winter. They are also famous of their flesh. They increase natural beauty of Bangladesh for the time being.

Importance of physical exercise

Important of physical exercise

Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body according to rule. None can enjoy good health without physical exercise. It keeps good health and promotes strength. It also keeps him free from disease. When you start physical exercise you mind that your progress.
Many kinds of exercise is there such as waking, swimming, running, jumping etc. Different kinds of games such as football, cricket, Bali ball, hockey, badminton, basketball etc Are goods from of healthy exercise. All forms of exercise are not equally suitable to all. All kinds of games are quite good for young. On the other hand, walking is good for all age’s people.

Which is the time is best for exercise?
Morning and evening is the best time of taking physical exercise. We should take exercise in the open air. We should not take exercise in empty stomach or immediate after taking meal.
Necessity of physical exercise:
Physical exercise is very necessary to us. Our life is full of activities and struggle. One can tackle them by his physical fitness.
It improves our health and makes a man strong and active. There is a proverb,‘‘ a sound mind lies in a sound body’’. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. A sound body depends on regular exercise. It also improves our power of digestion. It keeps a man free from diseases.
Physical exercise is most important for the students. They do hear mental work. So they need sound body and sound mind that depends on regular exercise. Those who do not take regular exercise soon loss their health. They do not find interest and happiness in life.
So keep fresh our mind and work rapidly we should take exercise every day. We can try to exercise every day because it is related to our real life and progress our work.
Many people did not give the importance of physical exercise. But any at a moment they realize this important when they fall illness.
So we should take physical exercise regularly.

Dengue fever

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is disease of Aedes mosquito-borne infection. According to WHO, ‘‘ Dengue is one of the prime reemerging diseases all over the world.” Aedes mosquito bites during day and transmits dengue virus. It breeds in clean stagnant water both indoor and outdoor. If a person is infected, its symptoms become apparent in four or six days. Dengue virus originating from Africa is now epidemic in most tropical countries of Asia like Myanmar, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Philippines and in east and West Africa. According to the information of medical science at first dengue fever experienced at Philadelphia in 1780. Death, due to infection of dengue fever, occurred in Australia in 1780. At that time more than one thousand people died due to dengue fever. Dengue fever was seen at first in Asia in 1953.
Dengue fever has broken out in Bangladesh or another countries in recent year. But it had been identified as far back as 1966. A project supported by World Health Organization, detected this virus in chittagong and two neighboring thanas. There are two types of dengue fever. They are classified dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Classical dengue fever is less dangerous and very rarely causes death. But dengue Hemorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with bleeding. There are four stereotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4, DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious.
Dengue mosquito is about 5 millimeters in size with stripes on the body and legs and can fly up to about 50 meters at a time. It breeds in small pots, jars, drums and discarded plastic containers and tiers.
It lives on blood and Aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. So we should take immediate action to prevent this disease.
We safe the dengue fever we clean our house side grasses and flower tubs. When this syndromes show our family member we take immediate step.


Hair loss and its causes

What is the normal cycle of hair growth and loss?
Hair growth lasts for 2 or 3 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90% of the hair is growing at any one time. About 10% percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 month, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.
It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

What causes excessive hair loss?
A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly loss a large amount hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.
Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or under active, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment of thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.
Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after they’ve had a baby. This loss is related to certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out, When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again.
Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss improves when you stop taking the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners, medicines used for gout high blood pressure or heart problems, vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants.
Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with ant fungal medicines.
Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an under lying diseas, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Can certain hairstyles of treatments cause hair loss?
Yes. If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents may cause inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.

What is the common blandness?
‘‘ Common baldness” usually means male-pattern baldness, or permanent-pattern baldness. It is also called androgen tic alopecia. Male-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a resending hair line and baldness on the top of the head.
Women may develop female-pattern baldness.
In this form of hair loss, the hair can become thin over the entire scalp.

Can my doctor do something to stop hair loss?
Perhaps. Your doctor will probably ask you some questions about your diet, any medicines you’re taking, whether you’ve had a recent illness and how you take care of your hair. If you’re women, your doctor may ask questions about you menstrual cycle, pregnancies and menopause. Your doctor may want to do a physical exam to look for other causes of hair loss. Finally, blood tests or a biopsy.

There have any treatment for hair loss?
Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent further hair loss.
Medicines may also help slow pr prevent the development of common baldness. One medicine, minoxidil, is available with out a prescription. It is applied to the scalp. Both men and women can use it. Another medicine, finasteride, is available with a prescription. It comes in pills and is only for men. It may take up to 6 months before you can tell if one of these medicines is working.
If adequate treatment is not available for your type of hair loss, you may consider trying different hair styles or wigs, hairpieces, hair weaves or artificial hair replacement.

Tips to prevent

With winter on the onset, and visible dust particles flying in air, stuffy nose, headaches, coughs, sneezes are a common scene. Here are some tips to prevent stuffy nose from becoming a sinus infection or help cure a mild sinus infection.
Use saltwater nasal washes to help keep the nasal passages open and bacteria. Saline nose drops can be made easily at home: mix0.5Tsp salt and 0.5 tsp baking soda in 1-cup pf body-temperature water. Place the solution in a clean bottle with a dropper. Use as necessary. Make a fresh solution every 3 days. Insert drops while lying on a bed. The person should be on his or her back and hang the head over the side of the bed. This helps the drops get farther back. Try to avoid touching the dropper to the nose, to avoid reification. If the bottle does not have a dropper, snuff the solution from the palm of the hand, one nostril at a time.

*It also may help to gargle with warm salt water.
(Mix0.5Tsp salt and 0.5 tsp baking soda in 1-cup pf body-temperature water)
· Put moist heat (using a hot, damp towel or gel pack) on your face for five to ten minutes, several times a day.
· Avoid cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoke in your home and workplace. Some causes and further irritates inflamed membranes in your nose and sinuses.
· Use over-the counter medicines such as pain relievers and decongestants to relive symptoms. Do not give cough and cold medicines to a child younger than 2 unless your child’s doctors tells you to give a medicine, be sure to follow what he or she tells you to do. Be careful when using some nasal-spray decongestants. They usually should not be used for more than about 3 days. Longer use can lead to further swelling of the sinus membranes after the medicines wear off which makes pressure and swelling worse. You may end up dependent on the medicine if you start using more and more of it to get rid of the pressure and swelling.
· Avoid breathing dry air. Consider using a humidifier at home and at work to build up the moisture in the air.
· Breathe warm, moist air from a steamy shower, a hot bath, or a sink filled with hot water. You may also try breathing the moist air from a bowl of hot water. Put a towel over your head and the bowl to trap the moist air.
· Drink plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.
Exercise regularly.
Symptoms of sinus infection include a felling of pressure or pain around the eyes or across the cheekbones and a yellow or green discharge from the nose. If symptoms do not get better after a day or two of home treatment or if you develop a fever or ear pain, call your doctor.

What is allergy?
Why do we have allergy? Why are some people more prone to allergies? What role does allergy have in healthy living? A lot of people suffer from allergies of one kind or the other. so, these are questions that strike every body’s mind.
Allergy is an abnormality of the body’s immune system. It is exaggerate reaction caused by the immune system in response to bodily contact with foreign substances. These substances are normally not harmful to non-allergic people. The exaggerate reactions only take place in people who are allergic. The allergy-producing substances are called allergens. Examples of allergens are pollens, dust mites, moulds and certain food like eggs, peanuts, fish, shellfish etc. Certain drugs like penicillin, NSAIDs and local anesthetics can also cause allergy in some people.
Allergic reactions are acquired, predictable and rapid. The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism against foreign invaders. Its job is to recognize and react to these foreign substances, which are called antigens. Antigens are substances that are capable of causing the production of antibodies. Antigens may or may not lead to an allergic reaction. Allergens are certain antigens that cause an allergic reaction and the production of the antibody IgE. Allergic persons produce more IgE than those who are non-allergic. The IgE in trying to destroy the allergen results in an extreme inflammatory response.
Allergy is an inherited disorder. A person’s risk of developing allergies is related to their parents’ allergy history. If neither parent is allergic, the child has 15% chance of being allergic. If one parent is allergic, the child’s risk increases to 30% and if both are allergic, the risk is greater than 60%. The child does not necessarily inherit the same allergies or the same diseases as their parents.
Mild allergies like hay fever are highly prevalent and cause symptoms like allergic conjunctivitis, itchiness, and runny nose. Allergies can also play a major role in conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens or to medication may result in life- threatening anaphylactic reactions and potentially death.
Some common allergic conditions:
Hay fever: This is the most common allergic disease and occurs due to pollen or indoor allergens like dust mites, animal dander and moulds. It causes inflammation of the tissues lining the inside of the nose after inhaling the allergen. Nearby areas like eras, sinuses and throat can also be involved.
The most common symptoms are:
· Runny nose
· Stuffy nose
· Sneezing
· Nasal inching
· Itchy ears and throat
Postnasal drip
Asthma: This is a breathing problem that occurs due to the inflammation and spasm of the lung’s air passages. The inflammation causes a narrowing of the air passages, which limits the flow of air into and out of the lungs. Asthma is most of the times related to allergy. When allergens like cigarette smoke, pollens and dust mites are in haled inflammation is elicited. Common symptoms include:
· Shortness of breath
· Wheezing
· Coughing
· Chest tightness
Allergic eyes: It is the inflammation of the tissue layers that cover the surface of the eyeball and the undersurface of the eyelid. The inflammation occurs as a result of an allergic reaction caused by bacteria, viruses or irritant substances like shampoo, dirt, smoke etc. It produces
The following symptoms:
· Redness under the lids and of the eye overall
· Watery, itchy eyes
· Swelling of the tissue layers
Allergic eczema: Allergic eczema is an allergic rash, which is not usually caused by skin contact with an allergen. This condition is commonly associated with allergic rhinitis or asthma and features the following symptoms:
· Itching, redness, and or dryness of the skin
· Rash on the face, especially children
· Rash around the eyes, in the elbow creases, and behind the knees, especially in older children and adults
Hives: Skin reactions that appear as itchy swellings and can occur on any part of the body. Hives can be caused by allergens such as food or medication, but the also may occur in non-allergic people. Typical hive symptoms are:
· Raised red welts
· Intense itching
Allergic shock: Allergic shock is a potentially dangerous and life-threatening allergic reaction that can affect a number of organs at the same time. This response usually occurs when the allergen is eaten or injected. Some or all of the following symptoms may occur:
· Hives or reddish discoloration of the skin
· Basal congestion
· Swelling of the throat
· Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
· Shortness of beauty, wheezing
· Low blood pressure or shock
Diagnosis: whether a person is allergic or not can be diagnosed by two methods:
Skin testing and blood testing: In skin testing, the skin is pricked with different types of allergen and inflammatory response is looked for. In blood testing, the total IgE level in the person’s serum is measured.
Treatment: Traditionally treatment and management of allergies involved simply avoiding the allergen in question or otherwise reducing may help to reduce symptoms and avoid life-threatening anaphylaxis, it is difficult to achieve for those with pollen or similar air-borne allergies. Strict avoidance still has a role in management though, and often uses in managing food allergies.
Allergic conditions can be treated with drugs like antihistamines, glucocorticoids etc. These inhibit mediators of allergic reaction and so reduce the severity of inflammatory response.

Importance of learning english language

How many important of learning English language

English now stands as a global language due to its worldwide apple and importance. But it is matters of great regret that we are avoiding English on the plea that if we learn this language the importance of our mother tongue will be lowered. Undoubtedly it is odd argument. Learning a rich language does not necessarily mean undermining our own language. We have no a good knowledge of English language we will backdate all of the sectors. You have to a good knowledge you can competition another countries of students. For English medium students get advantage to English language. They all time learn English for this cause they express their mention with another. In this cause O-level and A-level students are easily match another countries. But another student is to need to some long time to adjust foreign country.
You can expert in English language with exercise every day. There are some institutions establish across the country. They training to the students for skilled in English language. To study in abroad you have to a good score in TOFEL or IELTS. This exam is justified to capability of English language. For study in American university you have to need SAT, and GMAT score. To good result you have to good knowledge in English. You have a good skilled in English its can help get scholarship. British council and American center can play a remarkable contribute is to learning English. They teach modern and Standard English language. They have different course for different ages people.
These courses are available in British council such as IELTS preparation course, general English course, business English course, and foundation English course.
BBC janala can vital role to spread and to teach English language and its importance.
India Pakistan and another country have made much progress in the field of science and technology and literature by learning English as a second but important. But we are lagging behind in this race with our reluctance to learn this language. International sector we have exchange our opinion and views. To work and study in any country this language can play a vital role to you life, it can easy in your life in abroad.

The information of CAT-ACCA

The information of CAT-ACCA

ACCA-CAT: ACCA is mean that, The Association of Chartered Certified Accounting. CAT is mean that, Certified Accounting Technical. This course is professional course. ACCA is similar course of CA, CMA, and CPA. ACCA is recognized with UNITED NATION (UN), and member of IFAC (The international foundation of accountants) in this cause this demand all over the world. In this moment their have 1,40,000 members and 4,04,000 students and 83 institutions network with ACCA office. 170 countries students are training this degree. ACCA is rapid global accountancy body.
Which is the student are admitted this course? O-level/HSC qualified are applied CAT course, maximum students are enrolled CAT. Bangladesh SSC qualified certified is good demand. But o-level students are ahead on English. So many institutions enhance English knowledge their students and than enroll CAT degree.
CAT is the basic for accounting qualifications. After finished CAT than you enroll ACCA. So complete SSC/HSC any background you admit CAT course.
For CAT no formal qualification. Simply complete SSC/HSC any one admitted CAT.
ACCA knowledge module has 3 subjects F1, F2, F3. So you can complete CAT you did not read F1, F2, and F3. Bachelor of any discipline they are admitted, in fact which is the student Hon’s-masters in accounting or finance, or complete CA, CMA they can get exemption 1 to 9 paper.
Is CAT-ACCA is difficult?
No CAT and ACCA is not difficult any man who can complete O-level/HSC he/she can complete ACCA in four year.
ACCA exam:
ACCA exam is simple. ACCA take exam 1to 4 subjects. Obtain 50 in 100 marks you are passed.
Cost: Different institutions have different course fee.
There are some CAT-ACCA training institutes.
Chartered University College
House#51, road#10/A, dhanmondi, Dhaka. Phone: 8141601, +8801720-553278,74

Institutions of professional studies
12 Kawran bazarc/a, BDBL (old BSRS) Bhaban (14th floor) Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 02 8189428-9, Mob: 01973 094 656, 01711 480555

SAFS education group
House#105, Road# 9/A (old-19) Dhanmondi, (near sankor)
Phone: 8121113, 8114640, 8127974 Mobil: 01191556076-81
Alhamra (6th floor), Zindabazar, sylthet.
Cell: 01191556099-100, 01717-567867
House # 30, road # 3, O.R. Nixzam road,
GEC more, chittagong.
Cell: 01191-556096-98

Higher education of Europe

Higher education of Europe

For higher education men go to another country. It is primitive nature of men. For higher education men comes to Europe. All over the world men come in this Europe countries such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Holland, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Island, Norway, Spain, and England. This country is same educational system. These country educational institutions provide bachelor degree, master degree, diploma, and PhD programs. About all the countries bachelor degree 3-4 years, master degree 1-2 years, diploma course 2 years, and PhD degree 2-3 years duration.
Which are the subjects are available in these institutions?
Medical science: Cardiology, Dermatology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Radiology, Urology, and Phonology.
Arts: Fine arts, Visual communication, and Music.
Commerce: Management, Business administration, Accounting, and Marketing Finance.
Science: Information science, Telecommunication, Computer science, Geography, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Mathematics, and Physics.
Another: Political science, Law, Economics, Sociology, Tourism, International relation, Journalism, Hotel and catering management, and Agriculture.
Capability of language: Maximum countries institution to run educational activities they use their mother language. As a result to read this countries you have complete a course their language.
For Bangladeshi students Bangladesh have some institutions to train this language. You have chosen your language and complete a course. For francs language Bangladesh have a one institution like oleos forces.
Island University complete a course their students. For Cyprus, Greece, you have a score of IELTS and TOEFL. For admit to England you have IELTS core 5.5. TOEFL minimum score 550.
Apply and admit processing: To admit any institutions you communicate this university directly. For this cause you all time search their web site or newspaper. Varsity to varsity academic session, fee is differing from another university. You must learn proper information with any executive and then you can apply by email. You complete you form their requirements such as academic qualification, certificate, and application fee then you send via currier service/post office.
VISA processing: institution admission offer letter, academic certificate, Economic capability /scholarship paper and other paper. Submit these paper this countries embassy.

Development studies

Development Studies

You complete bachelor degree in any subject. But advantage to jobs sectors you can read development studies. Finish this course you can increase your demand in jobs sectors. Where are you complete development studies? Bangladesh have a some intuitions are provide this course.
Dhaka University
Address: Development studies, 5th floor, arts faculty Dhaka University. Phone: 9661920, Mobil: 01720461910

Dhaka university development studies department provide of masters of development studies. To admit this course applicant have minimum 3 or 4 year’s bachelor degree. Any applicants have a 4 years bachelor of engineering, MBBS, and BDS degrees they are also apply this department. Any applicants complete BA (pass course) he/she have a master degree any subject.
Applicants have no 3rd division of any exam in his student life.
Exam system: For admit this course applicant get into a qualification-testing exam. This exam will be held on 100 marks. Among the 100 marks 25 language and communication, 20 marks GMAT question, 45 marks writing skill, and 10 marks Viva.
This course is 64 credits and total 35 seats.

Khulna University
Address: khulna university, kulna-9208, phone: 041-721791, 041-720171-3.

Khulna University provides this course. The name is course masters of development studies. Duration is of the course 1 year. To admit this course applicant have a bachelor degree. Total 40 seats of this course. The merit list published based on written and viva. Total 48 credits and cost 61,260 TK. Exam system: The exam will be held on 100 marks. 60 marks written and 40 marks is viva.

Islamic university of kustia
Address: Islamic university, shanty danga, kustai.
Phone: 071-62201-06, 62005-06.
To admit development studies in Islamic university applicant have complete any bachelor degree. Total 32 credits and course duration 1 year. Chose students based on admission test. To complete this course total cost 36,000Tk.

Brac University
Address: Brac University, 66 mohakali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Phone: 8824051-4
Brac University has a masters development studies. Any students, who complete undergraduate degree, postgraduate diploma, NGO workers are apply this department to admit. Which is the man are increase their skilled to admit this course. Total 54 credits. Total cost of complete this course 2,50,000Tk.

North south university
Address: Development studies department, North south university, plot-15, block B, Bosundara abasik alaka, Baridara, Dhaka.
Phone: 8852000
North south university has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit this programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subjects, this subjects is economics, business studies, social work, social science, anthropology, political science, and public administration.
Exam: To admit this programs applicant is enroll a competition. This will be held based on written and viva.
Total cost to complete is the course 1,95,000Tk.

East West University
Address: East West University, 43 mohakali C/A, Dhaka-1212.
Phone: 8811381, 9882308

East West University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. To admit is the programs in this university applicant have complete 4 years bachelor degree or complete in master degree in this subject, this subjects is economics, business studies, or bachelor degree computer science and engineering, and electrical and electronic engineering. Applicant have minimum CGPA 2.50 in this sectors.
You have to finish this course total cost 1,29,200 Tk.

Independent university of Bangladesh
Address: independent university, Bangladesh, 58-park road, Baridara, Dhaka-1212. Phone: 9881681, 9881917, and 9884498.

Independent University has run two session masters of development studies in every year. Total 39-credit and course duration 1 year. For this you have to cost 1,91,000Tk. To admit this course applicant have 4 year bachelor degree and one year masters degree.

Private university of chittagong

Private university of chittagong

There are have some university in chittagong city. The university is.

University of science and technology chittagong (1993)
phone: 031-659070-1, 031-659593-4, 031-659069-71, and 031-659593-94
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC.
Subject: Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary, Bachelor pharmacy, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology, Bachelor of business administration, Bachelor of arts and English language.
Conditions: SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.5 and total GPA 5.00,
Cost: Telecommunication engineering when you admit at first you give 15,000 TK. Admission fee and 38,000TK. Semester fee. Semester two to eight you can give 38,000TK every semester.
Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of char Gary total cost 8,00,000TK. Bachelor pharmacy 90,000TK, Bachelor of science in biochemistry and biotechnology 45,000TK, Bachelor of business administration 2,34,500Tk, Bachelor of Arts and English language 1,26,600Tk.

International Islamic university chittagong (1995)
phone: 031-610085,610308
Subject and cost: Sharia 131credits, Computer science and engineering 161credits, Computer and communication engineering 161credits, Electrical and electronic engineering 161 credits, Pharmacy 163credits, BBA 131credits, Arabic language and literature 121 credits, LLB 126 credits,
Sharia 37,000Tk. Computer science and engineering 3,54,400Tk, Computer and communication engineering 3,64,400Tk, Electrical and electronic engineering 3,87,200Tk, Pharmacy 3,90,900Tk, BBA 2,84,200Tk, Arabic language and literature 67,250Tk, LLB 1,82,50Tk,

Premier university (2002)
Subject: In this university undergraduate programs BS,c in computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Bachelor of business administration total cost of admission 1,75,000Tk. BSS Economics and BA English 1,09,000. LLB 1,30,000Tk.

Southern university of Bangladesh (2002)
phone: 031-2851336-9
Subject and cost: BBA 1,78,00Tk, Bachelor arts in English 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of pharmacy 2,76,000Tk, LLB 1,25,000Tk, Bachelor of science in computer science and IT 2,21,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electronic and telecommunication engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering 2,60,500Tk, Bachelor science in civil engineering 2,79,500Tk, Bachelor of hotel and tourism management 2,15,000Tk.

BGC trust university (2003)
phone: chittagong city office 031-656841 campus: 0303356285-6
The university of science and technology is the green list 8 with declared UGC. This university have undergraduate programs BBA, BSC in computer science and engineering, Bachelor of pharmacy, LLB, Bachelor of English.

Asian university for women (2008)
phone: 031-2854980, 031-2854988
To admit this university every students capable to read English medium. In this purpose the university run an access academy
They training students in this academy and admitted their university.
Subject: Arts and humanities, Social science, Biological science, literature and women studies, politics, Natural science, Philosophy, Economics, Information communication and technology.
You admitted this university you must obtain 60% marks in SSC and HSC exam. HSC exam you can obtain 60% marks English and mathematics.

University of science and technology chittagong

University of science and technology chittagong
Foy,s lack,kulshi,chittagong. Phone: 031-659070-1, 031-659593.

There is a big campus on the hill. The university has established 1913. This university is situated near the chittagong Foy’s lack. This institute have been started 1989, then it’s name ‘‘Institute of applied health science” and 42 students in the min time. It’s run a institute under the chittagong university. At this time educational activities run according to UGC. These institutes are recognized from WHO, general medical council of great bretten, Ayerland medical council, Nepal medical council, Srilanka medical council.
This university has a big medical library.

Faculty: Faculty of medicine, Faculty of basic medical science and pharmaceuticals, Faculty of business administration, Engineering and technology, Faculty of computer science, Faculty of humanities and social science.
There are have 8 hon’s and 5 masters subjects under this faculty.
Hon’s subject: MMBS, B FIRM, BBA, BA, BS,c in engineering, BS,c in biotechnology.

Master,s subject: MD, M firm, MBA, Executive MBA, MA.

To admonition in MBBS total GPA in SSC and HSC 8.00.

Hostel: There are three hostel are available in this university. Two boys hostel and one girls hostel.
You can admit this university you can change your life and environment and prosper in life.
SARRC include countries students are read this university. Korea, Japan, Oman in this countries student is also read this university. The university has a rich library. If you need any information so you can contact university address for details. University have a natural campus, its encourage you to create you mind natural.

Higher education of medical science

Higher education of medical science
FCPS, MCPS exam held under BCPS. Medical science of higher degree is the best of Bangladesh. FCPS exam have a two part, part-1, and part-2. One-year part-1 held two times.
After finish part-1then you can participate part two. Part-2 is the four-year course. To participate MPCS you have complete four year training after complete graduation. MCPS exam according to British MRCP, MRCS.

MS, MD: Complete MBBS after two years then you can apply MS or MD. Specialized government hospital and first class medical college are run these programs.

MPH: NIPSOM, Brac University, state university, NSU, northen university, and AIUB University provide this degree.

Foreign country
USMLE: To run your profession in USA you can take license you participate in an exam. USMLE have 3 part. Part-1, part-2(ck,cs), part-3. Part-1,and part-2(ck) center situated in Bangladesh. But part-2(cs), and part-3, exam held in USA. Complete part-3 successfully then you can get MD degree.
AMC: To run your profession in Australia you can participate this exam. These exams have a two part. Part –1 center are situated in India.
PLAV: To run your profession in England you participate this exam.
MRCP/FRCS: This is the worldwide honorable degree. ‘‘Royal college of physicians provides this degree. One of the FRCS center are situated in Bangladesh.
you can visite this site and get more information. This site will be help take a good decision


Choose yor subject and built in career

Choose your subject and built in career
You can choose the subject and you are able the change your life.

In this time architecture is a good subject. Architect is an important person he/she is a designer. Architect able to show creativity. Every architect is an engineer but every engineer not an architect.

There are some universities they have architecture department. Such as,
BUET: 55 seats are available in this university for 1st year admission test. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 19 math, physics, chemistry, English.
There have 2 unite. Ko and kho unite.
Ko unite is only for engineering and kho unite is both for engineering and architecture. For kho unite applicant the have exam this subjects, math, physics, chemistry, English. Total marks 1000. 600 marks theory and 400 marks free hand writing.

Khulna University: Khulna University has 35 seats for architecture department. In this university you can admitted architecture. This subjects you must have HSC total GPA 15 math, physics, chemistry, English. Total 100 marks for admission.

Shajalal university of science and technology: Shajalal university of science and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. This varsity have two unite, A and B unite. Architecture under the B unite. Which is the students are pass SSC and HSC science background the apply A and B unite. SSC and HSC applicant obtain minimum GPA 3.00 and total GPA 6.50.

Chittagong university of engineering and technology: Chittagong university of engineering and technology has 30 seats for architecture department. There have an two unite ko and kho.
Engineering and urban and area planning under ko unite. Engineering and urban and area planning architecture under kho unite. Apply this department you have obtain GPA 3.00 HSC exam separately physics, math, English. In fact physics, chemistry, math total GPA 13. Which is the students are take from kho unite they have exam free hand writing.

Private university
Ahsanulla university of science and technology: This university have 50 seats for architecture. Apply this subject in this university
Total GPA 7.00. SSC and HSC. In fact HSC have 3.30. this subjects are compulsory math, physics, chemistry, English.

Brac university: Apply architecture subject in this university
Total GPA 6.50 . SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.50. Admission test have two divisions such as theory and free hand writing.

North south university: Apply architecture subject in this university minimum GPA SSC and HSC 3.50.

American international university of Bangladesh: Apply architecture subject in this university Total GPA 6.00. SSC and HSC separately minimum GPA 2.75. In fact SSC and HSC you have obtain 45% marks in English.

Asia pacific university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.

Stamford university: Apply architecture subject in this university you have obtain minimum GPA in SSC and HSC 2.50.

Technical training institute of bangladesh

Technical training institute of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a densely populate country. Huge numbers of people are unemployed. In fact you have take technical training, you can self depend. Effective manpower is not problems in any countries. Manpower, employment, and technical burro publish an information .The year of 2009. 4,75,000 people have gone to abroad, and the send $1,720 million dollar. At this time manpower import country they prepare effective man. So which are the man minds that go to abroad you can take technical training.
Take training you can establish a training institute.

Total 38 technical institutes across the country.
Subject of training institute: There are 45 subjects are available in this institutions. Such as ship fabrication, drafting civil, refrigeration and air condition, radio, television, auto mechanics, carpeting, wood workers, Plumbing and five fettering, general mechanics, computer, networking, Welding, house warring, graphics, catering, rod binding, pattern making, tiles facture, mid level garments supervising, swiping machine operating, cng machine operator, auto cad, drafting, plastic technology, electrical, electronic, bloke batik.
Conditions: Most of the course are want to the applicant have to class 8 pass.
Duration of course and fee: Maximum course duration 2 to 6 month. This institution have 4 years diploma engineering course.
Subject way course fee variation. Maximum course fee 1500TK to 2000TK.
This institution under Government sector: Dhaka :bagla-germn technical training center, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:shopra, Comilla:cotbari, Faridpur:seriongon, Ranggamati:college gate, Khulna:taligati, Mymensingh:maskanda, Bogra:nisindara ,santahar road, Barisal:cnb road

This institution under development sector: Karanigong: hajrotpur, Genidaha:aruprur, Sylhet:alampur, Dinajpur:mata sagor,shekpura, Tangil:nogor jal fai, Kustia:chowrohas,bicik roak, Nohakali:gabua, Bandarban:mekla, Lalmonirhatf:haribanga, Lakkipur:masimnogor, Kagracori:golabari, Tagorghou: goalpara, Chapapinababgong:bargoria, Norshindi:shivpur, Nator:noldanga, Rangpur:talukdummodush, Pabna:lakkinathpur, Jamalpur:baltia, Potouakali:potouakalisodor, Josore:khulna bus stand

Mohila technical training institute: Dhaka:Darussalam,mirpur road, Chittagong:nasirabad, Rajshahi:sopora, Khulna:taligati, Sylhet:alampur, Barisal:cnbroad.

Dental college of Bangladesh

Dental college of Bangladesh
Government dental college and seats: Dhaka dental college (110), Chittagong medical college dental unite (50), Rajshahi medical college dental unite (50).
Private dental college: Phonier dental college Dhaka (100), City dental college Dhaka (75), University dental college Dhaka (75), Bangladesh dental college Dhaka (50), Sapporo dental college Dhaka (50), Rangpur dental college rangpur (100), Chittagong international dental college (50), Udoyon dental college Rahshahi (50).

Medical college of Bangladesh

Medical college of Bangladesh
Total 17 government medical college across the country. Every college are situated every district. Give certificate under near university.
Dhaka medical college (178), Mymensingh medical college (178), Hosen shohid shohorawardi medical college (126), Sir solimulla medical college (178), Sylhet medical college (178), Barisal medical college (178), Faridpur medical college (178), Chittagong medical college (178), Pabna medical college (50), Rajshahi medical college (178), Rangpur medical college (178), Comilla medical college (107), Shohid Ziaur rahman medical college (132), Dinajpur medical college (132), Nohakali medical college (50), Cox bazaar medical college (50), Aram force medical college have 100 seats
Conditions: SSC and HSC both exam obtain minimum GPA 3.50. and total GPA 8.00. Both exam applicant have Biology subject.
Exam system: Total marks 200 . SSC GPA multiply with 8 and HSC GPA multiply with 12 its total 100 and another 100 mcq question. In this exam subject wary marks Botany 15, Zoology 15, Physics 15, Chemistry 15, English 15, General knowledge 10.

Hostel: Every medical college have sufficient hostel.

Bangladesh private university

Bangladesh private university
According to ugc information 54 university over the country. Some university list of this university.

North south university 1992
Phone: 8852000

The first private university of Bangladesh in the north south university.
School of business: Inter national business, Marketing, Human resource management, Economics, Business policy and studies, Finance and accounting in this four subjects BBA in major. Total 124 credits with internship.
computer engineering , Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering , Environmental science, Environment management, Economics , pharmacy, Microbiology, Biochemistry and biotechnology.

This every subjects128 to 132 credits complete. For architecture complete 172 credits.
All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .

Every credits cost 4500 T.K. when you admitted in this university you give 20000 Tk. and every semester give library, lab, development fee 4000 Tk.

Total cost for BBA 6,26,000. Architecture 9,00,000. and another subjects cost 6,60,000.Tk.
Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.50. A applicant did not get admission test over two times.

Independent university of Bangladesh 1993
Phone: 8401645-52

This subject are available in this university. BBA, Economics, Computer science and engineering, Electronics and telecommunication engineering, Population environment, Environment management English, Land and water resource management, Media and communication.
4000Tk every credits. Admission fee 15000Tk. Complete the hon`s in this university total cost 5,50000 Tk.

Conditions: SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00.
Three semester in one year.

American international university 1994

This subject are available in this university. Computer science and engineering, Computer science, CIS, CSS, CSSE, EEE,COU. In this subjects you complete 130 to 145. and complete architecture 175 credits.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 3.00 . Total GPA 6.5. for admit BBA and Architecture SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 6.00. for arts and social science SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.75 . Total GPA 5.50.
Cost: Per credits 4000 TK. admission fee 15000 TK, development fee 8000 Tk, Students activity fee 8000 TK, laboratory fee 2000 TK, and other 1500 TK,
cost for BBA 5,70,000TK, Architecture 7,00,000 TK, and another subjects cost 6,50000.

Ahasanulla university of science and technology1995

In this university there are no competition. Based on SSC and HSC results score. Two semester in one year. CSE, CIV, total cost 4,74000 TK. ETE , IPE, TEXTILE total cost5,13,000 TK. BBA 4,10,000TK. Architecture total cost 6,12,000 TK.
with out architecture all the subjects are complete 2 semester in every year and 4 year total 8 semester. For architecture every year 2 semester and 5 year total 10 semester.

East west university 1996
Phone: 8811381, 9882308

Computer science and engineering total cost 5,73,000TK and (140 credits), Pharmacy 6,37,000TK (158 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), Information and communication engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), BBA 4,81,000TK (123 credits), Electrical and electronic engineering 5,73,000TK (140 credits), English 3,97,000TK (123 credits), Economics 4,03,000TK (123 credits),
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . In the world another university to facilities credit transfer.

Brac unic university
Phone: 8853948, 8853949

Subject: BBA, Computer science, Computer science and engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronic and telecommunication engineering, LLB, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, English, Microbiology, Biotechnology, in this subjects you complete 123 to 136 credits.
Pharmacy to complete 172, and Architecture to complete 199 credits.
In this university name of semester residencial in this semester students have to stay 4 month the main campus in shavar .
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 . and total GPA 6.00.
All the subject per credit cost 4500 TK, only architecture some course per credit cost 5500 TK. Admission fee 12,000TK, every semester library, lab, development fee total 2850TK.
Total cost for architecture 9,50,000TK, Pharmacy 9,00,000TK, and another subjects total cost 6,25,000 to 6,90,000TK. All over the world some big universities facilities of credits transfer .

University of liberal arts 2004

BBA (135 credits), English (126 credits), Computer science and engineering (140 credits), Electronic and telecommunication engineering (147 credits), Media studio and journalism (126 credits).
Cost: Total cost for BBA 1,35,000TK, English 3,65000TK, Computer and engineering 4,80,000TK, Electronic and telecommunication engineering 4,91,000TK.
Conditions: To admit engineering department you SSC and HSC obtain separately. GPA 2.50 .